The divine doctor and the veterinary concubine are super fierce

Chapter 1124 Retreat to the northwest and never enter Beijing

Chapter 1124 Retreat to the northwest and never enter Beijing
Xie Lingyu is worthy of being the daughter of the master of Poison Dragon Peak, she is very capable of using poison, seeing someone coming to arrest her, she raised her hand and sprinkled the poison powder on her captors.

Chu Yunxi saw that the powder was poisonous at a glance, and quickly shouted to the people in the audience: "Quickly retreat, that powder is poisonous."

The people under the high stage were in a panic pushing and shoving each other, and the scene became more and more chaotic
Xie Lingyu was already taken away by Han Yu on the stage, and Han Yu's Yuanli cultivation was very high, so he took Xie Lingyu away easily.

Xie Lingyu was taken away, but her mocking words were still ringing in the air.

"Yanheng Chu Yunxi, you are really pitiful. You work hard for the Yuwen family, but they only want to kill you. All the troubles you have been in are caused by them."

Many people on and off the stage were horrified, some looked at Sheng Shang Yu Wenmo, some looked at Yan Heng.

Everyone showed doubts, could it be that the troubles of King Yan and Princess Yan were caused by the royal family, just because they couldn't tolerate Yan Heng.

Many of them have already affirmed this matter, the people of Yuwen's family really don't want to see the people of Yan's family and want to get rid of them.

On the supervisory stage, Yan Heng looked at Yu Wenmo with cold eyes, and said slowly, "Your Majesty?"

"Don't listen to that witch's nonsense, you can listen to what she said, she is a lunatic, talking nonsense."

At this time, Yu Wenmo was in a mess, and he didn't admit that he had tampered with Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi.

Yan Heng ignored her, but said solemnly: "Your Majesty, I am wholeheartedly for Dongchen. I never thought that Your Majesty would be so afraid of me. If so, I, Yan Heng, announce here today that I will return to the northwest from now on, never Let’s take a step into the capital, please allow it.”

After Yan Heng's words fell, Yu Wenmo's eyes kept shrinking, and he subconsciously wanted to refuse. If he really agreed to let Yan Heng be stationed in the northwest, then the northwest would become Yan Heng's world. How could he let him monopolize it? Going to the northwest.

So Yu Wenmo said quickly: "King Yan, don't think about it, if you go back to the northwest, what will others think of me and Yuwen's family?"

There was a sneering smile on Yan Heng's lips, but his expression was exceptionally firm.

He slowly stood beside the Jianzhan platform, and said in a deep voice: "I ask my lord to allow me to return to the northwest. I wish to guard the northwest gate for Yuwen's family forever, and prevent Beiyao Kingdom from stepping into our Dongchen. If the sage does not Quite right, the minister can only show his ambitions once he dies, please be fulfilled by Your Majesty."

After Yan Heng's words fell, many people outside the surveillance stage were choked up, and some people wiped away their tears.

Prince Yan is clearly a great hero for the country, but he never expected to end up in such a fate, being forced to this point by the Holy One.

How many people in the audience glared at Yu Wenmo angrily, thinking that this person killed his brother and married Du Longfeng's daughter as his wife, this person is not worthy to be Dongchen's saint at all.

Yu Wenmo naturally saw the expressions of the people in the audience, and a minister on the stage quickly said: "My lord, since the king of Yan is willing to retreat to the northwest to guard the frontier for the sage, why can't the sage allow him?"

Right now, His Majesty's reputation is too stinky, so nothing can happen again.

If Yan Heng is forced to do something in public, people in this world will probably scold the Holy Majesty, and he will really be a rotten emperor in the future.

Yu Wenmo naturally understood this reason, he looked at Yan Heng, and spoke slowly with deep black pupils.

"Since King Yan is devoted to the country wholeheartedly, I agree."

After Yu Wenmo said these words, his whole body seemed to collapse, and he lost all strength.

He fought Yan Heng for so long, but in the end he was defeated.

(End of this chapter)

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