The divine doctor and the veterinary concubine are super fierce

Chapter 1129 Let's see how to write a letter of withdrawal

Chapter 1129 Let's see how to write a letter of withdrawal
Behind Yuwen Lingtian, a group of courtiers stared blankly at the overlord who was showing off his power.

What is the emperor so excited about?They are acting.

The door of the upper study room in front was pulled open with a bang, and Yu Wenmo walked out of the upper study room with a pale face.

Originally, he was annoyed when he heard the ministers shouting outside. Although he had promised to act, he still felt discouraged when he heard the courtiers shouting.

It's just that the depression in his heart has not yet dissipated, and his father came out to scold him. To be honest, his father's scolding made their performance more realistic.

But the problem is that Yu Wenmo really can't stand Yuwen Lingtian's scolding, he knows that in his heart he has been fantasizing about letting Yu Wenye return to Beijing to take over.

Why is he so eccentric? He really wanted to poke his heart to see if he was eccentric.

He is his son, he has always favored his grandson, is that interesting?

Yuwenmo turned pale with anger, raised his hand and pointed at Yuwen Lingtian angrily and said, "Father, what's wrong with you, what's wrong?"

Yuwen Lingtian snorted coldly: "Look at how long you have been in power, and you have caused so many disasters for Dongchen. Do you think you are still worthy of being Dongchen's sage? If I had you obediently and automatically abdicated That's it, so as not to embarrass others."

"If you are conscious, immediately write down a letter of withdrawal and announce it to the world, and then I will send someone to Nanyang to bring King Xiangjun back to the capital. In this way, you will be more or less respectable."

After Yuwen Lingtian finished speaking, his eyes were a little smug, thinking that in the end things turned out as he wanted, and his mood improved.

It's just that Yu Wenmo was so stimulated by his scolding that he became dizzy and his eyes turned black. Finally, he took the opportunity to vomit blood and fell to the ground.

The eunuch beside him hurried forward to help Yu Wenmo up, and shouted nervously: "My lord, what's wrong with you? Your lord, are you okay?"

Yuwen Lingtian in front of Yuwenmo immediately stepped out and became the master of the house.

"Fusheng went up to his palace to lie down, and Doctor Xuan went to treat him first."

After he ordered to go down, the eunuch hurriedly helped Yu Wenmo go to his palace.

After Yu Wenmo was dragged away, Yuwen Lingtian immediately turned to look at the minister kneeling in front of the study door with a smile on his face and said, "You are all good, get up and follow me into the study to discuss how to write this withdrawal letter. "

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay in front of the door of the study room, unable to move for a long time, and then everyone looked at Guangyang Hou and the Prime Minister in front of them.

The two nodded towards the people behind them, got up and walked into the upper study room.

The people in front of the palace gate were still making trouble, but news from the palace soon spread that the Holy Majesty was mad at them and was calling a doctor for emergency treatment, so they retreated quickly.

It's a pity that no one paid any attention to the guards in the palace, and all of them were still trapped in front of the palace gate, preventing people from going out or entering.

It was night, in the most remote private house in the capital, several people were talking together.

Han Yu, the disciple of the master of Poison Dragon Peak, was looking at Xie Lingyu with disapproval on his face at this time: "Miss, I don't agree with you entering the palace, so there must be a game waiting for you in the palace."

Xie Lingyu also suspected that there was a game waiting for her in the palace, but at this moment she just wanted to take a look at Yu Wenmo, wanted to ask him if he regretted it, and wanted to tell him that without her, he was nothing.

This idea has been lingering in her heart, almost an obsession. . . .

(End of this chapter)

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