The divine doctor and the veterinary concubine are super fierce

Chapter 1132 You Are Not Human, You Are A Ghost

Chapter 1132 You Are Not Human, You Are A Ghost
Xie Lingyu's screams rang out in the bedroom: "Yu Wenmo, even if I were a ghost, I would not let you go, I would not let you go."

Soon the bedroom was wiped out, and the people from Dulongfeng in the distance rushed to try to save Xie Lingyu, but they were shot and killed by the crossbowmen arranged in the palace. Although the people from Dulongfeng used poisonous power, the real Yuan However, the power cultivation base is not high, so many people were directly shot to death.

However, there were still some of them with high cultivation bases who escaped anyway.

Seeing those people fleeing, Yu Wenmo was extremely worried, and immediately ordered to chase and kill those people.

It's a pity that those people had fled long ago. Under the dark night, Yan Heng looked at all this coldly, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

This is not bad, since Yu Wenmo will worry every day that those remnants of Du Longfeng will come to seek revenge on him, even if he becomes an emperor, he will not be happy.

In the dark night, Wei Li and Fu Sheng came over and asked for instructions in a low voice: "My lord, should we pick up the princess and go on the road?"

"Okay, go pick up the princess and go back to the northwest."

Several figures dodged and headed towards the remote direction of the palace.

The place where the Supreme Emperor lived, Chu Yunxi was currently in the Supreme Emperor Yuwen Lingtian's bedroom, looking at him with a smile.

Yuwen Lingtian already knew that he had made a joke in the upper study room today. The good courtiers of Dongchen who he thought before did not sincerely ask Yu Wenmo to abdicate, they were just acting.

And he didn't know the inside story, so he ran to make such a scene so stupidly, it was really embarrassing.

Yu Wenling trembled from the weather, pointing at Chu Yunxi beside the bed with one hand, unable to speak for a long time.

Chu Yunxi looked at her condescendingly, and slowly said: "You are really pitiful, you have ended up like this when you are old, pitiful, pitiful."

Yu Wenmo looked at the woman on the opposite side, his ant-like eyes made him angry, he struggled to curse, but unfortunately, because he was too angry today, he couldn't make any big moves at all.

"You, you are, damnable."

Chu Yunxi leaned over to look at him with a smile and said: "You should save your energy, you can't speak fluently, and you are so angry and angry, is it really enough?"

After she finished speaking, she said unhurriedly: "Your Majesty, tell me, if I tell Your Majesty that you have given the 15 soldiers and horses in Tanzhou to King Xiangjun, what do you think His Majesty will do?"

Tanzhou is a border city next to Nanyin. There are 15 soldiers and horses stationed in the city. This place is very close to Nanyang.

Therefore, when the emperor dispatched Xiangjun King to Nanyang, he handed over the 15 military power in Tanzhou to Xiangjun Wang Yuwenye by the way.

If Yu Wenmo knew these things, he would go mad, no, he would definitely kill the Supreme Emperor.

Because Dongchen only has a few soldiers and horses, some are in the hands of General Pang Long, some are in the hands of the Yan family, and some are in Tanzhou. Now Yuwen Lingtian has given the soldiers and horses of Tanzhou to Xiangjun King. Do you know if you can kill him?
On the bed, Yuwen Lingtian looked at the woman in front of the bed with a face full of horror. She obviously had a pretty face like a flower, and when she smiled coquettishly, it was as dazzling as the morning sun, but why at this moment he only thought that she was Shura who jumped out of hell? Otherwise, why can't so many conspiracies and so many people hurt her.

"You, you are not a human, but a ghost..."

(End of this chapter)

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