The divine doctor and the veterinary concubine are super fierce

Chapter 1135 You are born before me, I am old when I am born

Chapter 1135 You are born before me, I am old when I am born

Yu Wenmo ignored it after hearing this, and turned his head to look at Yuwen Lingtian on the bed dumbly. At this moment, there was not much joy in his heart, only desolation, and he said slowly in a heavy tone: "Pass the decree, the Supreme Emperor collapsed."

Feng Chi was startled, then he came to his senses and turned around and rushed out all the way, shouting, "The Supreme Emperor has passed away, the Supreme Emperor has passed away."

Soon, all the courtiers entered the palace and knelt outside the Rongtai Hall. The palace was quickly changed to white, and even every household in the city changed from red to white, and the city was completely empty for a while.

And when everyone was busy mourning, Shengshang Yuwenmo secretly sent a few people to stop the ministers who had gone to Nanyang City to pass the decree, and asked them to send an imperial decree to Nanyang City

The Supreme Emperor passed away, and Emperor Xuan's elder Sun Yuwenye went to Beijing.

As long as Yu Wenye enters Beijing, he will not want to leave Beijing. If he does not enter Beijing, he can tell the world that Yu Wenye, as the eldest grandson of the emperor, did not return to Beijing to mourn the death of the Supreme Emperor, so compared to other people's mourning However, Yu Wenmo was faintly happy that his father was dead, so he helped him once.

Now Yu Wenye is in a dilemma, he wants to see if he returns to Beijing or not, whether he returns or not, he is in a dilemma.

But Yu Wenmo didn't know that Yuwen Lingtian had left two edicts before, one was handed over to Concubine Liang, and the other was handed over to his personal eunuch Chang Fu, and the last two edicts were all in the hands of Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi inside.

After Chu Yunxi received the imperial decree, he looked at Yan Heng in surprise and said, "It turns out that Chang Fu, the great eunuch next to Yuwen Lingtian, is the prince's man. The prince's hand is really long enough. I see him Very loyal, how could it be used by the prince."

While flipping through the will in his hand, Yan Heng said, "Everyone has weaknesses, so doesn't Chang Fu have weaknesses?"

"Tell me, what are his weaknesses, I'm really curious."

"People in the palace thought that Chang Fu was alone. In fact, he had a younger brother, but he was separated in the early years. Later, this king found his younger brother and helped him climb to the sixth-rank official position. You said he must not listen to this The king's words?"

Chu Yunxi gave a thumbs up and praised: "Amazing."

She moved to Yan Heng's side to read the two wills.

A posthumous edict was sent by Concubine Liang, who was handed over to her by the Supreme Emperor, asking her to wait for him to die, and send him to her subordinates to Nanyang City to Xiangjun Wang Yuwenye.

This posthumous edict stated that he was killed by Yu Wenmo. In this way, the king of Xiangjun will be famous when he returns to Beijing in the future, and Lord Zhuhun will revive the court, which is completely justified and will not have any infamy.

Looking at this edict, Chu Yunxi couldn't help sighing: "Do you think the Supreme Emperor is crazy? With this imperial edict, Dongchen will be messed up. The people are in dire straits, and why does he insist on letting Yu Wenye succeed him?" Well, this heart is so partial, or is it that the person he loves the most from the beginning to the end is the Crown Princess."

Yan Heng looked up at Chu Yunxi and said, "Maybe you hit the mark."

Chu Yunxi was speechless, and it took him a long time to murmur: "Is this an answer, you were born before I was born, you are old when I was born, you hate that I was born late, I hate that you were born early, and I hate not being born At the same time, good day to you, I..."

Chu Yunxi didn't sigh, but Yan Heng looked at her amusedly and said: "Xi'er, you think too much, the princess doesn't have the slightest love for the Holy Majesty, as for the Holy Majesty, the country is stable and the court is stable. It’s just that he wants to have Yu Wenye as his successor, but the main reason is that the Crown Princess died too tragically in the end.”

(End of this chapter)

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