Chapter 1139

The people below were also puzzled, but someone said: "We have seen that the edict is indeed true, the handwriting of the Supreme Emperor, and it is also stamped with a jade seal, it must not be fake."

"I think it was sent secretly by the Supreme Emperor."

"I think so too."

Everyone was talking lively, and another guard rushed in from outside the house: "Junwang, the emperor of the capital sent a minister to deliver an order, and asked the county king to return to Beijing with the minister immediately. After the death of the Supreme Emperor, the county king needs to help the Xiangguo Temple."

Yu Wenye curled his lips coldly, waved his hand and ordered: "Call me the minister who passed the decree."

Calling instead of asking, the guards understood, and quickly went out to drag the two ministers who announced the decree.

These two are the servants of the household department and the history department of the imperial court. Seeing that the subordinates of the king of Xiangjun were so rude to them, they looked very ugly. When they came in, they looked at Yu Wenye and said, "what does the king of the county mean?" , we came here on order, and the county king is so rude to us."

As soon as the man finished speaking, one of the staff under Yu Wenye raised his foot and kicked one of them, kicking the official to the ground, he stepped forward and grabbed the skirt of the right servant of the household department, impatiently He said: "What's wrong with being rude to you? If you come to announce the decree, will the county king return to Beijing?"

The Minister of Housekeeping and the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, seeing their appearance, their hearts thumped, and they suddenly felt bad, they would not want to rebel.

The two said tremblingly: "What do you want to do, we are acting according to the order."

It was fine if they didn't say anything, but when they did, they were dragged over and slapped twice.

The beating made my brain buzzing, and I couldn't speak for a long time.

At this time Yu Wenye said: "Okay, don't embarrass them."

The two people below breathed a sigh of relief, and Yu Wenye had already ordered outside: "Come here, lock these two people up."

The two immediately shouted: "What do you want to do, the king of the county, what do you want to do?"

It's a pity that he was dragged down, gagged, and thrown directly into a dungeon in the county palace.

Here Yu Wenye began to discuss with a group of people about sending troops. Although Yu Wenye was arrogant, he also had a plan. He quickly made a plan with his subordinates to mobilize 15 soldiers from Tanzhou overnight, as well as the subordinates of Nanyang City. The generals gathered a total of 20 soldiers and horses, and sent their troops straight down all the way to the north.

The catchphrase they were running was that they had killed the king, killed their brothers and brothers, and even killed their own father, as evidenced by the will.

For a while, the people in Dongchen were in an uproar, and everyone scolded Yu Wenmo for being insane, but Yu Wenye and Yu Wenmo were just the opposite. Every time they arrived in a city, they asked the soldiers to shout to the city. Every soldier in the city will neither kill nor cause trouble to the people.

In this way, who is high and who is low is immediately reflected, and Yu Wenye really does not allow soldiers to disturb the people and waste money.

Now he was more and more convincing to others. In the end, he traveled smoothly from Nanyang to the north, almost completely unobstructed. Many cities opened their gates automatically, expressing their willingness to submit to King Xiangjun.

In the capital city, when Yu Wenmo received the news, King Xiangjun had already won five or six cities.

Yu Wenmo was almost insane. The Supreme Emperor was sent to the Xiangguo Temple to be rescued, but the Xiangjun King was reversed, and in the name of Chuhunjun, he also took the will to say that he had killed the Supreme Emperor.

When did he kill the Supreme Emperor, and what happened to the edict?

That must be fake, it's fake.

(End of this chapter)

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