Chapter 1145
Yu Wenye walked into the tent all the way, Chu Yuyan had already woken up in the tent, she was sitting on the side of the bed weeping silently, when she saw him coming in, she stood up awkwardly and moved aside, she looked so scared his.

Yu Wenye was very displeased, raised his eyebrows and looked at her coldly: "Are you afraid of me?"

Chu Yuyan shook her head and lowered her head, "Let me go."

In fact, Yu Wenye didn't mean to keep Chu Yuyan behind at the beginning, but seeing the woman who admired him in the past suddenly wanted to stay far away, this aroused his reluctance, and he wanted to tame this woman. woman's mind.

"Isn't it better to stay with this county than to live there alone?"

Chu Yuyan's face turned pale all of a sudden, she shook her head and said, "I'm used to living alone."

Yu Wenye raised his eyebrows and looked at her. He used to be an arrogant and conceited person, but he didn't expect to become like this one day. Is this his fault?

Yu Wenye couldn't bear it anymore, he stretched out his hand to look at Chu Yuyan and said, "Come here."

Seeing his actions, Chu Yuyan took a step back in fright and shook her head: "No."

Yu Wenye said angrily and amusedly: "Will I eat you? Scared like that."

He knew that he was too rough with her before, which gave her a very bad memory.

But it won't happen in the future, he still owes her in the end, even if he can't love her, he will take care of her.

"After I win Dongchen, I will give you a position in the palace, and I will always let you live comfortably for the rest of your life."

Yu Wenye thought that this was the best arrangement for her, but it was a pity that these words fell into Chu Yuyan's ears, but they were ironic words.

Give her a position in the palace, and always make her have no worries about food and clothing.

Is this to send cats and dogs?Without the favor of the master in the palace, even a eunuch dares to bully, and he has no worries about food and clothing.

She was in the Prince's Mansion of the East Palace before, which was the best example. Because she was not favored by him, she was assigned to the most remote courtyard, where she ate leftovers. If she wanted to order something, she always provoked a meal from others ridicule.

She, who was once a proud girl, has come down to the point of relying on others for charity.

In fact, if he hadn't pretended to like her at first, she wouldn't have gotten close to her, but he provoked her, but in the end he only gave him what he thought was a good ending.

Really funny.

In the camp, no one spoke for a long time, Yu Wenye looked at Chu Yuyan who was hanging her head displeasedly: "Why don't you speak, the county has already said that it will give you a seat, aren't you happy?"

Chu Yuyan looked up at Yu Wenye and said with a faint smile, "I just want to live a quiet life alone, and I don't want to enter the harem of the county king."

Yu Wenye's face immediately turned ugly, and he stared at Chu Yuyan and said, "You are a woman from this county, so you don't stay in the harem."

As soon as he said that, he became impatient, and even if he didn't fight, it was tiring to ride horses for days, and the night was already deep.

"Okay, come and wait for me to change my clothes."

She was his concubine in the past, so it was a matter of course for him to say that.

Chu Yuyan still wanted to talk, but Yu Wenye snorted in dissatisfaction: "Chu Yuyan, let me say it again, women in this county must either stay by this county's side or die. You don't want to stay by this county's side. Are you going to die?"

Chu Yuyan was startled, and rushed to Yu Wenye's side to wait for him to change his clothes and wash his hands.

After washing, he lay down on the bed and went to sleep directly, ignoring Chu Yuyan.

(End of this chapter)

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