The divine doctor and the veterinary concubine are super fierce

Chapter 1156 Who Has Never Conceived A Child?

Chapter 1156 Who Has Never Conceived A Child?
After hearing her words, Yan Heng looked at Chang Fu and said, "Eunuch Chang, immediately dispatch some trustworthy people from the palace to take care of the princess."

"Yes, the servant will do it immediately."

Chang Fu is now the new chief steward of the little emperor, and no one in the palace dares to disobey his orders.

In the hall, Chu Yunxi looked at Yan Heng and said, "What's the situation with you, have the four Gu Ming ministers been elected?"

"You don't need to pay attention to those guys, everyone wants to be Minister Gu Ming, and now there is a quarrel over there, one will not let the other, I will let them quarrel enough first, and later decide which four people will be Minister Gu Ming."

Seeing that Chu Yunxi was going to move, Yan Heng immediately stepped forward to support her carefully, as if she were a fragile porcelain doll.

Chu Yunxi said with a smile: "It's not that exaggerated, don't be too exaggerated, you're not that nervous."

"You have a bad pregnancy, how can you not pay attention, you must pay more attention to rest in the future, by the way, I immediately called the doctor to come and ask, you are pregnant, what should you avoid, what can't eat, what can't be eaten? Don't touch it."

"I know, I'm a doctor."

"That won't work. You are a doctor and you don't tell me. I have to know before I can keep an eye on you."

It was as if she was a disobedient child, Chu Yunxi was speechless for a while, and at this moment, the doctor that Eunuch Chang asked to call before had already walked in.

"I've seen King Yan and Princess Yan."

Yan Heng beckoned the doctor to come forward and feel Chu Yunxi's pulse. Chu Yunxi was speechless for a while, so she stretched out her hand.

The doctor quickly took Chu Yunxi's pulse, stood up and said respectfully in a low voice: "Returning to the prince, the princess's month is light, and the fluctuations were too big before, and her pregnancy is not very good, so you should rest more and not move too much. Wait three months." After a month, it will be fine."

"So how long has she been now?"

"For more than a month, it is best to rest for more than a month, and it will be safe in three months."

"Then what else should she pay attention to?"

Yan Heng dragged the doctor aside to ask the details, what kind of food is good to eat, what are the taboos, what should not be touched, and what should be paid attention to in daily life.

Chu Yunxi leaned on the side of the bed and looked at the handsome man in front of him, asking the doctor gently and carefully.

She just felt very happy, but she felt sleepy just looking at it.

After Yan Heng asked the doctor about the details, she turned around and saw Chu Yunxi was asleep.

Yan Heng walked over immediately, and carefully helped Chu Yunxi to lie down. Chu Yunxi was sleepy and felt that Yan Heng helped her to lie down.

She muttered confusedly: "Go over there and check the situation there, I'll sleep for a while."

Yan Heng refused to leave, because they came back by the Golden Lingdiao, so none of his subordinates rushed over, how could he leave Xi'er here with confidence.

Yan Heng thought about taking off his shoes and going to bed, reached out to hold Chu Yunxi in his arms, and patted him on the back.

"It's okay, just ignore them and let them quarrel. There won't be any results for a while. I will accompany you and sleep for a while."

Chu Yunxi soon fell asleep, and Yan Heng never left, staying by her side.

The courtiers at the main hall sent several times to invite him, but he didn't go there either.

In the end, all the ministers in the court knew that Princess Yan was pregnant, so the reason why King Yan didn't come was because Princess Yan was pregnant?

Now all the ministers in the hall were speechless, and everyone was talking about it.

"Who has never conceived a child, why is it so precious."

"Yeah, it's like a lifeblood."

"In the past, I was pampered, but in the future I'm afraid that the pampering will become even more boundless."

"The majestic prince is actually a madman who spoils his wife."

However, the ministers seem to have gotten used to it after all, and they don't scold Chu Yunxi for being a concubine like they used to.

(End of this chapter)

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