Chapter 1159 I Can Cry Too Much
Chu Yunxi immediately understood what he meant, and couldn't help laughing, which made Yan Heng blush and gave her an angry look. At this moment, the maid came in with the meal, and the two began to eat .

Dongchen's court situation has finally stabilized. Although the new emperor is young, fortunately, there are four ministers and auxiliary princesses handling the court affairs. In addition, Yan Heng and General Pang Long are outside the control, so it is stable for a while , although some officials who were demoted or dismissed were angry, but no one dared to say anything in the face of Yan Heng's dominance.

Therefore, there is peace inside and outside the court, and the capital has returned to prosperity.

Dong Chen's internal turmoil was temporarily under control, and a month passed in the blink of an eye.

During this period of time, Chu Yunxi stayed in bed a lot, her fetal pulse was considered stable, and Qingyan Qingwu and others around her also rushed over, Yan Heng was relieved a lot.

During this month, Yan Heng used his thunderous means to rectify the affairs in the court, and even cleaned the palace, to ensure that after he and Chu Yunxi left the capital, no one would bully the queen mother and the young emperor body.

Chu Yunxi gets along with the queen mother and the auxiliary princess every day, and it is quite enjoyable, and the relationship between the three is getting better and better.

Seeing that a month has passed, Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi are about to leave the capital and go back to the northwest.

Adila was extremely reluctant to part with Chu Yunxi, and held her hand and wept like tears.

"Yun Xi, you can stay with me again, I will miss you when you leave."

She really likes Yun Xi, she is really good, she is capable but she will never bully others, not only her, but also the maids and eunuchs in the palace like her very much.

When Adila thought of her leaving, she was filled with depression.

"Why don't I order King Yan to return to Beijing? You don't want to go to the northwest, okay? And if King Yan stays in Beijing, I will be more at ease."

Adila trusted Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi very much, because without them, with their mother and son, it would be impossible to sit on the throne of God and Queen Mother, and if Yan Heng wanted to be emperor, he would have sat on it long ago.

Therefore, they have no intention of the throne at all. The people from the Yuwen family plotted against them before.

But Chu Yunxi shook his head: "My lord said before in public that he would stay in the northwest forever and would not return to the capital. Originally, we didn't want to come back this time, but we said before that we would push the young emperor to the throne, so it is natural to say that Xin, besides, we don't want Dong Chen to mess up."

Chu Yunxi knew that Adila was worried that after they left, someone would embarrass their mother and son, so he stretched out his hand and persuaded her: "Don't worry, no one will dare to bully you. The prince has arranged a lot of people to protect you in the palace." What about you, and with the prince and General Pang Long sitting on the frontier, no one dares to disrespect your mother and child, so you can rest assured."

Adilah continued to cry: "But after you go to the northwest, it's hard for me to see each other."

Chu Yunxi was a little speechless, she really didn't know that Adila could cry so much.

"Okay, okay, if I am free in the future, I will come back to Beijing to see you."

Chu Yunxi persuaded, Adila finally got better, looked up at Chu Yunxi and said, "What you said is true."

Chu Yunxi nodded, and Adila finally got better, pulled Chu Yunxi and said, "You don't even know, it's like I have something to rely on when you're here, and I don't have any to rely on when you leave."

Chu Yunxi was speechless for a while, and reminded her: "Don't you have a co-princess? She is not bad."


(End of this chapter)

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