Chapter 116 Assassin
In the room, Chu Yunxi's expression was not to mention how ugly, now she finally understands what the people outside are going to do.

Put aphrodisiac incense in her room, then find a man to come over to have sex with her, and finally call for someone to catch her. The dignified princess of the Yanling Palace actually had sex with someone in the yard. The king of Yanling, Yanheng, would not tolerate this incident anyhow. I can't leave her.

This person is really vicious, Chu Yunxi blocked his breath while thinking, not letting himself inhale this aphrodisiac.

The people outside the window couldn't help but sneer because they didn't hear the movement inside the room. They quickly opened the window and whispered, "Come in."

A black figure dashed into the room, and the people outside closed the window quickly and left.

On the big bed, Chu Yunxi was lying motionless. She had to leave here as soon as possible, because someone would come from outside soon. If she was really caught staying in the room with a man, Yan Heng would definitely kill her. Without her, even the old emperor will have nothing to say.

The more Chu Yunxi thought about it, the more she felt that the person who tricked her had an extremely vicious heart, and she would definitely avenge this revenge.

Liu Ruqin, you wait for me.

Chu Yunxi was thinking, and suddenly opened his dark and sharp pupils. The man who was tangled in front of the bed was startled. He was hesitant to do anything to Chu Yunxi, because this person must be the princess. If the prince knew about his relationship with her, he would definitely not be spared.

This man was in a dilemma. He didn't expect Chu Yunxi to wake up. He subconsciously retreated, but he was too slow. Chu Yunxi moved, jumped up, and punched the man hard on the head. swung out.

Right now she is a Tier [-] martial artist, although her Yuan Li is weak, it is still fatal to a man who is hard to defend against, so she was knocked unconscious with one punch.

The man fell down on the floor of the room, Chu Yunxi didn't delay for a second, and ran to the window in a flash. She opened the window quietly, jumped out, and went straight to her brother's room.

In the room behind him, there was a dead silence.

After Chu Yunxi entered Zhao Zhao's room, he quickly said a few words to Zhao Zhao.

At this time, there were numerous footsteps outside Yiranju, and a group of guards rushed into the courtyard of Yiranju quickly, and everyone in Yiranju was alarmed.

Everyone looked at the group of people rushing in in panic.

"Young Master Wei, what happened?"

"what happened?"

Wei Li said coldly and seriously: "When I led people to patrol earlier, I found someone entered my Yanling Prince's Mansion. I led people to track them all the way and found that person entered Yiranju, so we came in to investigate."

Together with Wei Li's words, Yi Ran stayed inside, everyone became frightened and uneasy: "Assassin."

"God, who is that?"

Wei Li ignored these servants, and waved his hand to order the subordinates behind him: "Quickly investigate."

Several figures dodged and rushed everywhere, but someone had already rushed outside the master bedroom where Chu Yunxi lived at a strange speed. As soon as this person got outside, he shouted loudly: "There is movement inside."

There was a flash of pride in Wei Li's eyes, but his face was full of composure: "The assassin sneaked into the place where the princess lives, right? The princess will not be in danger."

This word made many people worried, and they all muttered nervously, as if the assassin was in Chu Yunxi's room.

Wei Li quickly ordered: "Quick, go in and check."

(End of this chapter)

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