Chapter 1170
"Those people are like the devils in hell, killing people like hemp," the old princess said here, trembling, her eyes were full of the blood of that night, and for many years later, she didn't want to think about it, because when she thought about it, she couldn't bear it. She would be afraid and couldn't sleep all night. Later, she wanted to seal up this memory, but after thinking about it, she didn't seal it up, because she didn't want to seal up things about her sister.

Chu Yunxi reached out to support her hand, and the old concubine slowly calmed down as she looked into her gentle eyes.

"Later, my sister asked someone to send me away, so I left quickly. I made a painful but bold decision. I abandoned my son and took the emperor's eldest grandson with me. My sister cried at that time, and she knelt down and kowtowed to me. Three heads, thank you for taking away the grandson of the emperor, and said that she will definitely pay me back in her next life."

"Actually, I'm happy because I finally did one thing for her. This is the only thing I can do for her. Even if I abandon my son, I don't regret it. I haven't regretted it for so many years. regret."

The old concubine smiled sadly, but she couldn't stop her tears. Although she didn't regret it, she felt distressed, that was her son.

Chu Yunxi naturally knows the heart of a mother, and she loves her unborn son to death, let alone a living child.

At this moment, she felt that the woman beside her was very great. Chu Yunxi got up and hugged the old concubine: "Thank you, concubine mother, Yan Heng is your own son, and we will honor you well in the future."

The old concubine shed tears for a while, stretched out her hand and patted Chu Yunxi's back, and then pulled her to lie on the bed: "You just had a miscarriage, lie down peacefully, don't move around."

Chu Yunxi lay down obediently, she looked at the old concubine and said, "Concubine Mu, Yuyang Villa is the prince's place, there should be many masters, how could they be eliminated so easily."

The old concubine took a deep breath and said, "When I was about to leave, I heard His Highness the Crown Prince told my sister that it was the Prince's most trusted younger brother and a good friend of my sister's who conspired against them and tampered with them in Yuyang Villa. A lot of people were plotted against, a lot of people were drugged, that's why they were massacred by those people, and those people are really powerful."

A gloomy and cold light flashed in Chu Yunxi's eyes: "The younger brother of the prince and the good friend of the concubine are really nothing."

"Yes, you don't know how much the prince loves his younger brother. He was not favored at first. The prince is kind-hearted, so he taught him personally. Because of the relationship between the prince, everyone in the royal family treats him with respect. Very good, but who knew that he would turn back and lead people to slaughter the prince's family, and my sister's good friend, who followed my sister all the time, sister Hua was long and sister Hua was short, I didn't expect that one day she would be like a poisonous snake It’s like biting my sister back.”

When the old concubine mentioned these two people, her teeth itch with hatred, her eyes burst into flames, she wished she could bite those two people to death.

Chu Yunxi looked at her and asked, "What are the names of those two people?"

"The prince's younger brother is called Xia Houxuan, and my sister's good friend is called Miao Haitang."

A sharp light flashed in Chu Yunxi's eyes, she would never let them go.

Chu Yunxi asked the old concubine while thinking: "Concubine Mu, can you tell me about the Tianhuang Empire?"

After hearing Chu Yunxi's words, the old concubine couldn't help but become serious. She looked at Chu Yunxi and said, "Yunxi, are you really going to the Phoenix Empire?"

(End of this chapter)

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