The divine doctor and the veterinary concubine are super fierce

Chapter 1173 I want to enter the Phoenix Empire

Chapter 1173 I want to enter the Phoenix Empire

Chu Yunxi didn't know much about these things, but she was right.

Because the Nine-Tailed Huoyun Fox was born with a demon core, it was born in human form, so it can be married to humans. Ordinary demons who have transformed into human form through cultivation are not allowed to intermarry with humans, not because they were sent by heaven or something. , but will not be able to have children for life.

But the Demon King is different.

In the room, Caizhu was stunned for a moment, although she knew that Zhaozhao was a monster, she was still very sad.

"Zhao Zhao, will he be okay?"

"It'll be fine, don't worry."

Chu Yunxi knew that Caizhu was also worried about Zhaozhao, so she comforted her. In fact, she didn't know if Zhaozhao would be fine, and whether what the elder of the monster clan said was true.

But if she didn't let that person take Zhaozhao away at that time, Zhaozhao would probably die. In fact, if someone told Chu Yunxi these things before she met Zhaozhao, she might not believe it. She is a monster, but seeing Zhao Zhao turned into a little fox in front of her, she couldn't help but not believe it.

Thinking that the reason why Zhaozhao was taken away was because he was not strong enough.

Chu Yunxi desperately wants to make herself stronger. Only when she becomes stronger can she protect the people around her.

So she must work hard to strengthen herself.

Chu Yunxi's eyes sparkled, she finished her food quickly, then looked at Caizhu and said, "I'm going to rest."

"it is good."

Chu Yunxi rested for another three days. After resting in bed for three days, she felt much better.

She first met several generals of the Yan family army at the place where she lived.

"This subordinate waits to see the princess."

The generals at this time were extremely respectful to Chu Yunxi. If the princess hadn't fought hard before, all of them in the Yan family army would have died.

Chu Yunxi nodded to signal Bai Liangjun and the others to sit down, and only after they sat down did Chu Yunxi speak.

"You should know that your prince was taken away. I already know who took him away?"

Bai Liangjun and others were overjoyed: "Who took the prince away?"

"He was taken away by people from the Heavenly Phoenix Empire."

Bai Liangjun and the others had heard of the Tianhuang Empire. They heard that it was a huge empire, which was different from small countries like them. They heard that there were so many strong people in the Tianhuang Empire. Fortunately, that empire had a ban, and no one was allowed to If more powerful people enter their small countries, or they can destroy them with a snap of their fingers.

Just like the Martial Emperor-level powerhouses that appeared earlier, they can be destroyed with a flick of a finger.

When Bai Liangjun and the others heard Chu Yunxi say that the prince was taken away by the people of the Phoenix Empire, their faces were very ugly.

Everyone looked at Chu Yunxi worriedly: "What should we do now? We can't enter that empire at all, so we have no way to save the prince."

"I didn't ask you to come here to find a way to save him. You can't enter that place. I asked you to come here to explain the military affairs."

Chu Yunxi took out the soldier talisman that Yan Heng gave her at that time and handed it to Bai Liangjun: "From now on, the Yan family army will be handed over to the Bai army division to manage."

"Princess, what about you?"

"I'm going to enter the Heavenly Phoenix Empire."

When Chu Yunxi told his plan, the faces of several people in the army changed: "Princess, that place is very dangerous. If you go in, it will be just as dangerous. If something happens to the concubine, the prince will definitely Very sad."

"I'll be fine, don't worry."

(End of this chapter)

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