The divine doctor and the veterinary concubine are super fierce

Chapter 1186 People don't want to call a dog by its name

Chapter 1186 People don't want to call a dog by its name

Although this lecherous lion is very lewd, its combat power is very strong, and it is a mutated beast. There are very few mutated beasts in this continent, and the mutated beasts are very variable. No one knows what it will mutate into later. If it becomes A powerful monster, this is a great help.

"Yun Xi, why don't you accept it."

When the golden-haired golden lion heard Shen Yuqing's words, his eyes immediately brightened, and he looked at Shen Yuqing and shouted: "Beauty, you look good too, your eyes are eyes, and your nose is a nose, but it's still a little worse than my sister's beauty."

The corner of Chu Yunxi's mouth twitched, and he raised his hand and slapped it: "Shut up."

After she finished yelling, the golden-haired golden lion immediately bowed its head obediently and obediently, expressing its attitude seriously while bowing its head.

"Sister beauty, look at how obedient and obedient I am."

Chu Yunxi looked at this guy, and then at the master next to him. Shen Buqing asked her to accept the golden lion, which meant that this guy was really good, and she saw that with such a big body, his fighting power should not be weak.

It's just that this guy is too perverted, so why don't you just come and eat her tofu.

While thinking, Chu Yunxi warned the golden-haired lion: "It's fine for me to keep you, but you have to be more obedient, otherwise don't blame me for taking care of you."

The golden-haired golden lion's eyes lit up as soon as he heard it, and his big head straightened: "Yeah, sister beauty, I will be obedient, I will be obedient."

Chu Yunxi looked at it, why did he feel that it was so unreliable.

While thinking about it, she said: "Otherwise, there is no contract, let's investigate and investigate."

As soon as Chu Yunxi finished speaking, the golden-haired golden lion's face became bitter, and he raised his head to look at Chu Yunxi and assured him: "Beauty sister, she will be obedient and obedient, so you can contract me, yes, I am very happy." awesome."

In order to prove his words, the golden-haired golden lion moved, ran to the side, raised his hand and slapped a boulder.

With a bang, the loud sound shattered, and at the same time, it jumped up, its wings flapped, and it flew across the air.

It was obviously a tall body, but it shrunk a lot in the blink of an eye, and the body floated lightly in mid-air, and said proudly while floating: "Beauty sister, look at me, I am strong and can fly, isn't it amazing?"

Chu Yunxi was really moved when he saw it. He thought he was a good-for-nothing guy, but he turned out to be very powerful.

Although a bit tinted, the ability is still doable.

"Okay, come down."

The golden-haired golden lion moved, fell to the ground, and went straight to Chu Yunxi's side. At this time, its body was much smaller, and it was a little more cute.

At first glance, Chu Yunxi liked it a little. This golden-haired lion is also a smart guy. When he saw Chu Yunxi's appearance, he immediately shrank a little, and finally turned into a cute little lion.

Now Chu Yunxi's eyes lit up, and he leaned over and hugged the little yellow-haired golden lion, and stroked its fur with his hands, it's so cute.

The golden-haired golden lion took the opportunity to show off its cuteness and made a request: "Sister beauty, hurry up and make a contract with her."

Without further hesitation, Chu Yunxi bit his finger, and the blood was spotted on the forehead of the little golden lion with blood. A flash of blood flew across, and the master-servant relationship between the two was established.

The golden-haired golden lion was happy now, and its small head went straight into Chu Yunxi's arms.

So soft and fragrant, great.

Chu Yunxi didn't notice the movement of the little golden lion at this moment. She was stroking the little golden lion's head while thinking about its name.

"Shall I call you Rhubarb?"

rhubarb?The corner of the golden-haired golden lion's mouth twitched.

"Beauty sister, don't, people don't call you a dog's name."

"Then call it Huangmao."

(End of this chapter)

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