Chapter 1189 Timid
Chu Yunxi touched her face with her hand, and nodded. She doesn't want to show off tomorrow, as long as she can get the qualification to enter the imperial capital.

A few people talked about others: "In addition to these three people, there is Hu Ya from the Hu family. The Hu family has a very powerful swordsmanship. This Hu Ya is also a very powerful person."

"Anyway, we have to be careful tomorrow."

Among the ten of them, Xiao Mu is the oldest and also the first to get started.Xiao Mu glanced at everyone's eyes and said: "Anyway, we should all be careful tomorrow. If we meet those people, we must be careful. Don't confront them head-on."

"In short, there are [-] places to participate in the imperial capital. Anyway, we can also enter, so there is no need to fight against those people."

As soon as Xiao Mu finished speaking, Gong Ranye on the side said unhappily: "But in this competition, the top three people will be rewarded. I heard that the No.1 person will be rewarded with three things. A spirit equipment, a bottle of pills, and a book of martial arts."

"Brother, I think you and Long Yuan can compete with them."

Gong Ranye looked at Xiao Mu, Xiao Mu's current Yuanli cultivation was at the level of a fourth-order Martial King, and he could compete with those people, but Xiao Mu was too honest and timid, afraid of offending others.

Sure enough, when Gong Ranye finished talking, Xiao Mu immediately shook his head: "Then Jiang Yao and Chen Feiyang were supported by the two great families, why should we fight for such a false name with them, as long as we can enter the imperial capital smoothly?" , and successfully enter the Tianqing Sect."

After hearing Xiao Mu's words, Gong Ranye rolled her eyes unhappily, got up and walked out impatiently.

"It's boring."

After he left, everyone else got up and went out one after another. In the end, only Long Yuan and Chu Yunxi were left in the room.

Long Yuan looked at Chu Yunxi and said, "Master, be careful tomorrow."

Chu Yunxi nodded: "It's the same with you. Although our Yuanli cultivation is not low, our level of using Yuanli may not be higher than those people, so we have to be careful, but don't worry too much, we don't It’s almost there.”

Although those people often go to the training forest to practice, the actual combat experience of Long Yuan and her is actually not too bad, but it should not be careless.

In the past six months, what they have learned most is all kinds of martial arts, and then they control their Yuanli and let Yuanli do whatever they want. It turns out that the Yuanli they used in Dongchen Kingdom is wrong, and the Yuanli they used outside is very low in endurance. , not only low endurance but also easy to cause large-scale damage.

But because there are no books on this subject in Dongchen Kingdom, Chu Yunxi and the others never knew that the method of Yuanli they used was wrong. Afterwards, the vitality was exhausted, and the stamina was insufficient.

The people here in the Tianhuang Empire can control their Yuanli as they wish, and the masters of the Martial King Realm can fight very persistently and have great stamina.

In the past six months, they have been able to use it freely, but they still have to be careful when dealing with people who are experienced in actual combat.

While thinking, Chu Yunxi took out a few bottles of pills and handed them to Long Yuan: "You take these pills, there are pills for treating internal injuries, there are also pills for nourishing blood, and there are pills for increasing yuan, you take one pill , can make your Yuanli several times stronger than before, but this is for life-saving, don’t use it casually.”

"okay, I get it."

"Let's go to rest early, tomorrow we have to go to the town to participate in the competition."

"Okay," Long Yuan got up and went out, when she was gone, Qing Yan came over with a meal: "Master has eaten, go to bed early after eating."

After the two of them ate, they went to rest early.

(End of this chapter)

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