Chapter 1192 Are You All Trash?

The competition has already started on the stage. The No. [-] contestant is a disciple of two aristocratic families, and their skills are very good.

The speed of the two people was also very fast, and it was soon decided that one person was kicked off the competition stage and lost.

The two contestants on the [-]nd also started fighting very quickly. Everyone in the Seven Star School knew that Su Ruoxue was the one drawn by Peng Ling. Everyone saw that she had a bad face, so they all comforted her. .

Peng Ling looked better after hearing everyone's words. She was afraid that everyone would blame her.

"Thank you."

The sparring between No. [-] and No. [-] on the stage was over, and soon it was No. [-]'s turn. Su Ruoxue from the Su family moved and leaped neatly from the stage to the stage. The black eyes looked at the people under the stage contemptuously, as if they didn't take others seriously.

Many people in the audience were afraid of this woman, and at the same time, they were also rejoicing in their hearts at this time, glad that they had not won the number of this female devil, otherwise they would definitely be beaten to death by her.

Su Ruoxue stood on the stage for a while and didn't see her opponent come on stage. She couldn't help but frowned, and said coldly impatiently: "Where is the contestant who has drawn No. [-], is it dead?"

Peng Ling was already afraid of this woman, but when she heard her scolding, she trembled even more. She timidly raised her hand and said, "I abstain."

As soon as Peng Ling's words fell, the people on and off the stage were stunned for a moment, and then someone recognized Peng Ling as a member of the Seven Star Sect, and many people laughed at the Seven Star Sect.

"I thought the Seven Star School was a little different this year, but I didn't expect it to still be unable to make it to the stage."

"Yeah, I don't even dare to go on stage, I think it's even worse than in previous years."

"Such a person actually stays in our Guhong Town. It really embarrasses our Guhong Town. The Seven Star Sect should be kicked out of our Guhong Town."

"Yeah, it's embarrassing."

After hearing what she had said, Peng Ling felt that she had humiliated the Seven Star Sect, so she couldn't help crying softly.

However, Su Ruoxue on the stage refused to let go and yelled: "You come up to me, there is no such thing as retreating without a fight. Winning or losing should be decided after the fight."

Seeing that Peng Ling was scared, Su Ruoxue wanted to beat her up even more.

After hearing Su Ruoxue's words, Peng Ling turned paler and shook his head desperately.

The people from Seven Star Sect raised their heads and glared at Su Ruoxue, but no one said anything. Su Ruoxue on the stage became more proud and provocative.

"Are all the people in the Seven Star Sect so cowardly? Are they all trash?"

Among the ten people, Gong Ranye had the worst temper. Hearing Su Ruoxue's words, he was furious and said, "Who are you scolding? Bitch."

"I'm scolding you, if you have the ability, come up and fight."

Gong Ranye was about to jump onto the stage as soon as he moved, when a referee on the stage said: "Be quiet, don't disturb the order of the game."

Chu Yunxi stretched out her hand to grab Gong Ranye. Originally, she just wanted to keep a low profile and didn't want to meddle in other people's business, but the Seven Star School made it clear that there was no leader. Although Xiao Mu was the longest, he was timid and afraid of getting into trouble.

Chu Yunxi sighed, raised his eyes to look at Su Ruoxue on the high platform, and said coldly: "Whether our Seven Star Sect members are useful or not, we will find out later, Ms. Su should accumulate some virtue in her mouth to avoid retribution .”

As soon as Chu Yunxi opened her mouth, Su Ruoxue stared at her: "Hey, who is this?"

Chu Yunxi simply changed his appearance at this time, unlike the usual clean and beautiful, the whole person looked very ordinary.

So Su Ruoxue didn't think much of her, but someone in the audience recognized Chu Yunxi.

Because Chu Yunxi used to have this ordinary face outside, that person quickly told Su Ruoxue: "This is the closed disciple of the Seven Star Sect Master."

"Oh, then I'll have a good meeting, closed door disciple? Hahaha, don't be too cowardly."

(End of this chapter)

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