1200 Threat
Luo Ziyan's words made Su Ruoxue's eyes look cold and murderous, and a sneering smile appeared on the corner of her mouth: "It's quite annoying. It's really annoying that such a person followed us into Beijing."

When Luo Ziyan heard Su Ruoxue's words, he immediately regained his energy, leaned close to Su Ruoxue, and muttered in a low voice: "Why don't we find a chance to beat her up so that she can't enter the capital, what do you think?"

Su Ruoxue looked at Luo Ziyan with a half-smile, and slowly got up and walked towards her tent. Luo Ziyan immediately beckoned Luo Feng to come forward, and whispered to Luo Feng in a low voice.

At the edge of the grove, everyone quickly finished their food and went into the tents to rest. Since they had to go on the road tomorrow, everyone did not delay too much time to rest.

At night, beside the grove, it was extremely quiet, and everyone fell into a dormant state.

Except for the elders who were assigned to patrol, everyone else basically rested.

The Seven Star Sect's tent was at the edge of the grove, a little far from the resting area of ​​the children of the family.

The children of the aristocratic families seem to be afraid that they will be inferior if they get involved with them. They have almost no intersection with them along the way. Even for the current rest, they should stay as far away as possible.

Chu Yunxi is noncommittal about this. Her goal is to join the Tianqing Sect. Firstly, she will strengthen her cultivation and temper her combat power. In addition, the Tianqing Sect is the power of the emperor Xia Houxuan, so Chu Yunxi's biggest goal It is to destroy Tianqingzong.

Inside the tent, Chu Yunxi was so engrossed in her thoughts that she fell asleep in a daze, but just as she fell asleep, a soft voice suddenly sounded outside the tent: "Junior Sister, Junior Sister."

Chu Yunxi woke up with a start, listened carefully, and heard that it was Gong Ranye calling her.

Chu Yunxi got up and went out, and found that besides Gong Ranye, there were Du Hao, Long Yuan and Leng Qiuyun outside the tent.

Chu Yunxi asked with a strange expression: "What's wrong?"

Leng Qiuyun was the first to speak: "Junior Sister, Senior Brother is gone."

Chu Yunxi's eyes narrowed immediately, and a gleam of light was hidden in the bottom of her pupils. She said slowly, "Don't disturb others about this. Let's look around to see if he's up at night."

If Xiao Mu just got up at night, but they alarmed others, they might become the laughing stock of others and be blamed by others, and the children of the aristocratic family will look down on them even more from the Seven Star Sect.

What Chu Yunxi was thinking was exactly what others were thinking, so everyone responded and dispersed to find people around the grove.

After searching for a while, Xiao Mu was still not found.

Now everyone's expressions became strange, and Leng Qiuyu quickly said, "Should we tell the First Elder? The Elder Brother is gone."

But Chu Yunxi raised her hand to stop Leng Qiuyu's words. She used her five senses to perceive, and soon sensed the fluctuation of Yuanli in front of the grove.

"Go, there is movement ahead, let's go and see what's going on?"

Chu Yunxi stepped forward and went straight to the grove, and Longyuan Gong Ranye, Du Hao and others quickly followed her pace.

A group of people rushed straight ahead like ghosts in the dark grove, and soon she touched the middle of the grove.

At this time, in the middle of the grove, several people were surrounding the man in the middle, threatening him.

"Xiao Mu, let me ask you again? Will you listen to our arrangement and drug that woman Chu Yunxi? If you follow our arrangement, we can cover you in the future. You must know that Ruoxue's brother is Tianqing Disciple of the inner sect of the sect, if you make good friends with us and join the Tianqing sect in the future, we can guarantee that you will be fine."

The one who spoke was Luo Feng, Su Ruoxue's admirer.

(End of this chapter)

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