Chapter 1205
At the end of Gong Ranye's speech, his voice subconsciously became softer: "If you can't enter the Tianqing Sect, then you can enter another sect, and the Baiyun Sect and Xuanyue Sect are also good."

Du Hao also said, "Yes, I don't expect to be able to enter Tianqing Sect. It would be great if I could enter Medicine Sect, one of the five major sects."

The Medicine Sect ranks at the bottom of the five major sects, but it is still a good sect, but the resources and abilities of the Medicine Sect are naturally incomparable with the Tianqing Sect.

Tianqingzong's inner disciples will become strong in the end, but the Medicine Sect may not be so.

Therefore, the disciples of the various schools in the Tianhuang Empire want to join the Tianqing Sect the most.

The words of Gong Ranye and Du Hao made the atmosphere in the hall somewhat depressing. Leng Qiuyu glanced at it and eased the atmosphere, saying: "Okay, no matter what, we just try to get into the five great sects, even if we can't get into the Tianqing Sect, But Senior Senior Brother and Senior Senior Brother Long Yuan will definitely be able to enter the Tianqing Sect."

Leng Qiuyu didn't count Chu Yunxi, this is because Chu Yunxi's Yuanli cultivation base is a Tier [-] Martial King, and they don't know much about this little junior sister's ability, although her ability to manage the overall situation is good , but how about Yuanli, they don't know.

Chu Yunxi glanced at the people below and said, "I can help everyone and try to get everyone into Tianqingzong, but?"

Chu Yunxi stopped, and everyone in the main hall looked at Chu Yunxi in surprise.

What does little sister mean by this.

She has a way to let everyone enter Tianqingzong.

Gong Ranye said excitedly: "Junior Sister, are you from a noble family in the imperial capital?"

If this is the case, maybe there is a way to stuff them all into Tianqingzong.

Chu Yunxi rolled her eyes at Gong Ranye and said, "I think too much."

Gong Ranye was stunned all of a sudden, and so were the others.

After glancing at it, Chu Yunxi said lightly, "Do you guys not believe in my ability?"

Gong Ranye looked at Chu Yunxi and said, "Little Junior Sister, that's Tianqingzong. No matter how good you are, there's no way for us to defeat those powerful people."

"Who said there is no way?"

As soon as Chu Yunxi opened his mouth, Gong Ranye and Du Hao were moved, and they all stared at Chu Yunxi and said, "Little Junior Sister, do you really have a solution?"

Chu Yunxi nodded, glanced at everyone and said: "I can help you all to enter Tianqingzong smoothly, but from now on, you must obey my orders, and if you don't want to, I will also There is no need to help you."

After Chu Yunxi finished speaking, the people in the main hall were stunned for a while, because what Chu Yunxi said meant that if she helped them enter the Tianqing Sect, they would respect her as their master and obey her orders.

Gong Ranye looked at Chu Yunxi, and couldn't help but said, "Junior Sister, aren't we all from the Seven Star Sect?"

Chu Yunxi got up, and said lightly: "Is that different? You should think about it carefully, because if I help you refine the elixir, the elixir will cost a lot of money, and you have to refine it. It is very troublesome, and I also want to teach you how to fight against the enemy and win the greatest victory for yourself."

After Chu Yunxi finished speaking, he led Qingyan out, and Long Yuan followed her out behind him.

Long Yuan knew that the reason why Chu Yunxi wanted to help Xiao Mu and the others was to win people over for his own use.

"Master, do you think they will agree?"

Chu Yunxi raised his eyebrows indifferently and said: "Help them if you want to, and pull them down if you don't want to. I don't have to ask them."

(End of this chapter)

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