The divine doctor and the veterinary concubine are super fierce

Chapter 1210 Is this a meal for the overlord?

Chapter 1210 Is this a meal for the overlord?
The bustling street quickly resumed. After Chu Yunxi, Xiao Mu and the others strolled around for a while, they were all hungry, and Gong Ranye was the first to yell. .

"Junior sister, we are hungry, let's eat."

Du Hao also yelled: "Yes, I'm really hungry."

At this moment, everyone happened to be strolling to a restaurant, and Chu Yunxi led a few people into the restaurant.

It's just that after a few people walked over, they happened to see a tall and magnificent medicinal material store next to the restaurant. At first glance, this medicinal material store was the kind of store with a relatively complete range of medicinal materials.

Chu Yunxi looked at Xiao Mu and the others and said, "You go and order food first, and I'll buy some medicinal materials for refining elixirs, and I'll be here right away."

"Okay, Junior Sister."

Xiao Mu readily agreed, and led several juniors and sisters to the restaurant.

Chu Yunxi took Qingyan to the medicine shop next door.

On the road, Qingyan thought of what her master had inquired about about the sixth prince Su Wang, and hurriedly asked: "Master, do you think that Su Wang is our prince?"

Chu Yunxi shook his head: "I don't know."

"Then shall we find a chance to check it out?"

Chu Yunxi shook her head and refused. She doesn't know what's going on around Yan Heng right now. If she goes to investigate rashly like this, if she fails to do it well, she will cause trouble for him, and she hasn't done anything right now. , I don't even know if I can enter Tianqingzong.

So she doesn't plan to see him now.

"I'll definitely see you later, so don't worry."

The two of them went into the medicine store to buy medicines while talking. The medicines in this shop were as expected by Chu Yunxi. The medicines were very complete, but Chu Yunxi didn't expect the medicines here in the imperial capital to be so expensive. He just bought a few. The medicinal materials actually used tens of thousands of gold coins, and it was no way to go on like this.

Chu Yunxi felt that making money was the most important thing right now. After much deliberation, she found that the quickest way to make money was to sell alchemy medicines, so even though she was in pain for gold coins, Chu Yunxi spent money to buy some medicinal materials for refining elixir purchase.

After the medicinal materials were bought, the two of them went out to the medicinal material store and walked to the restaurant next door, but before they entered, they heard a commotion in the restaurant, which was even mixed with Gong Ranye's angry shouting.

"Su Ruoxue, don't deceive people too much. Why can't we eat in a restaurant? Is this restaurant owned by your family?"

Su Ruoxue's arrogant voice came out: "Although this restaurant is not owned by our family, who told you that you have no money? It's really ridiculous that you want to eat without money."

After Su Ruoxue sneered, she looked at the waiter at the side and said, "Xiaoer, throw them out, they don't have money to eat, if you don't believe me, ask them to put a thousand gold coins on your counter, I guarantee they won't be able to take it out."

After hearing this, the waiter in the shop immediately looked at Xiao Mu and the others. He didn't really want to go to the restaurant and called Bawang Restaurant, it's too short-sighted, so we know who owns their restaurant.

This is the restaurant owned by the Qi family, if they dare to eat the king's meal in the restaurant opened by the Qi family, they must be beaten to death.

Xiao Mu and the others really didn't have much money, and their Seven Star Sect was already poor, and they didn't have any rewards for doing tasks, so each of them probably didn't have much gold coins.

Today they came with Junior Sister, if Junior Sister didn't ask them to eat, they wouldn't dare to come in.

Xiao Mu and the others didn't move, and the guests in the restaurant suddenly started talking.

"God, these people don't really want to eat the overlord's meal, do they?"

"How courageous is this? This is a restaurant owned by the Qi family of the Eight Great Aristocratic Families."

"These people may have come from other places to participate in the martial arts competition, so I don't know what the Qi family represents."

"I really don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth."

(End of this chapter)

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