Chapter 1212 I know what you do
The people in the restaurant at the back were awake at this time, and many people spoke obscenities and criticisms.

"That little girl has a good figure and good skin. I think it's hard."

"Hehe, I'm getting tough too, but take it easy, this little girl has something to do with the Xia family, and the Xia family has something to do with the Mei family."

The first floor of the restaurant has everything to say, Chu Yunxi ignored others, but looked at the waiter in front of him and said: "Xiaoer, do you believe it now? That woman is not mentally good, and you can rest assured that we will not Less money for your meal."

After Chu Yunxi finished speaking, Xiaoer couldn't say anything more, and judging by the calm appearance of this woman, it didn't seem like she couldn't afford to eat.

"All right"

The waiter waved his hand, and the staff of the restaurant retreated. Chu Yunxi looked at the waiter and said, "Is there a private room on the second floor? Take us up to the second floor."

Xiao Er was a little embarrassed because of the previous incident, and said quickly: "Yes, yes, guests, please come up with us."

Chu Yunxi was about to go upstairs when she suddenly felt someone on the second floor looking down. She looked up and saw Jiang Yao from the Jiang family looking at her with dark eyes. Jiang Yao's lips moved slightly.

I know it's your hands and feet.

Chu Yunxi shrugged, and followed the waiter upstairs indifferently. The waiter quickly took them to the private room on the second floor, and Chu Yunxi ordered him to bring some delicious food.

When Xiaoer withdrew, in the private room, Gong Ranye finally burst out laughing uncontrollably.

"Haha, that woman actually took off her clothes, it's a big embarrassment this time."

"Yeah, she deserved it. She couldn't be really out of her mind, but she even took off her clothes in public. This time, she completely threw away the face of the Su family."

Leng Qiuyu took a look at Gong Ranye and Du Hao. They wouldn't think that Su Ruoxue was really out of her mind.

But she knew that this was the little junior sister's tricks, it seems that the alchemists can't offend, they can deceive people without anyone noticing, fortunately they have the foresight and promised to listen to the little junior sister's words in the future.

While rejoicing, Leng Qiuyu looked at Gong Ranye and Du Hao and said, "You really think that woman has a bad mind, and this is the trick of my junior sister."

Gong Ranye and Du Hao looked at Chu Yunxi together: "Really?"

Chu Yunxi raised her eyebrows and hummed lightly. She didn't pay much attention to what Leng Qiuyu and the others said. What she was thinking right now was that these few people would need a lot of money to eat and drink, but after entering the sect , The money used seems to be different from the outside, forget it, let's talk about it after the game.

Just as Chu Yunxi was thinking, Gong Ranye and Du Hao stared at her in surprise.

"Junior Junior Sister, you are too powerful. You made that woman take off her clothes in public without anyone noticing it. You are too powerful."

"Yeah, once this one comes out today, that woman's reputation will be rotten. Let's see how she will show off her might in the future."

"It's cool to think about it. Those people have always thought that they are superior to others, but in the end, they are ashamed."

In the private room, everyone talked lively, and the waiter outside the door brought up the signature dishes of the restaurant.

Chu Yunxi glanced at it, raised his hand and rewarded Xiao Er with five gold coins.

Although not too many, but it is already good, Xiaoer greeted immediately with a smile on his face.

"Guests, please use it quickly. These are our restaurant's signature dishes. Try them out. If you need anything else, just call me and I'll come over right away."

Chu Yunxi nodded and waved his hand, Xiao Er backed out.

In the private room, Gong Ranye and others had already moved their chopsticks, and praised while eating: "Wow, it's so delicious, we've never eaten such delicious food before."

"Yeah, this dish is really delicious."

(End of this chapter)

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