Chapter 1302 Pistachios
The several peak masters in front of Shuiyuejing laughed loudly when they heard what the peak master of Yaofeng said, and then they all sympathized with him.

It's a pity that I have accepted such a two hundred and five disciples, and I will suffer from his crimes in the future.

In the room, the master of Jianfeng looked at the people around him with satisfaction and said: "You have also seen it, it is not me who robbed you, but they all entered my Jianfeng voluntarily, so I have no choice but to keep it." .”

The master of Jianfeng gave me a face that I don't want to snatch it from you, but they want to come by themselves, and it has nothing to do with me.

The master of Zhenfeng was so angry that he wanted to slap him in the face. Jianfeng has so many outstanding disciples, and he would come to fight with them every time.

Don't think that he doesn't know that the deacon elder took good things from the Lord Jianfeng and helped him win over those dolls.

While these people were talking, the master of Danfeng exclaimed: "What do you mean? Why do you all have to enter Jianfeng?"

After he finished speaking, everyone around him looked out of the Shuiyue Mirror.

In front of the inner gate, after Chu Yunxi wanted to join Jianfeng, Ye Yuchen also joined Jianfeng without hesitation, because the people behind him asked him to protect the master. She entered Jianfeng, so he had no choice but to join Jianfeng.

After Ye Yuchen finished speaking, Bai Zixuan immediately said annoyedly, "Who wants you to join Jianfeng? We Jianfeng don't welcome you. Get lost."

Ye Yuchen said with a smile that was not a smile: "Then Jianfeng belongs to your family?"

Bai Zixuan's face immediately turned ugly, and Chu Yunxi, who was on the side, gave him a cold look and shouted, "Shut up, if you dare to speak again, I'll sew your mouth with a needle."

Chu Yunxi knew that Ye Yuchen belonged to Yan Heng, so she naturally wanted to cover Ye Yuchen.

Now Bai Zixuan is enjoying himself, why, why Yun Xi treats Ye Yuchen better than him, it's not fair.

Bai Zixuan was worried and wronged, and blinked at Chu Yunxi.

"Yun Xi, I'm so sad, my heart is broken."

Xia Houzi immediately accepted his words: "Me too, my heart is broken, I have to think about whether to throw my master away and enter Jianfeng."

On the top of Jianfeng Peak, the master of Jianfeng was once again amused by Xia Houzi, this princess Mingyu is really happy.

The master of Yaofeng couldn't bear the two hundred and five disciples any longer, so he got up and left Jianfeng with his sleeves shaken.

In front of the Tianqing sect, after Ye Yuchen joined Jianfeng, Luo Wuhen, the god of wealth of Tongcheng, also joined Jianfeng.

Now four of the six people have entered Jianfeng, the top of Jianfeng, the peak owner of Jianfeng is in a good mood.

Xia Houzi entered the Medicine Peak, and Su Chenyang, who was ranked third, entered the Fist Peak.

The elder deacon immediately crushed the jade slip and called the elder deacon of Jianfeng to come over to lead the people.

The deacon elders of Jianfeng are in an indescribably good mood. This time, six entered the inner sect, and four entered Jianfeng. Among them, the top three contestants, the first and second, all entered Jianfeng. This is how Jianfeng is. awesome.

The elder deacon led Chu Yunxi and others to shoot into Jianfeng.

At the back, Xiahou Zi looked at Chu Yunxi who was leaving with tears in his eyes. Chu Yunxi breathed a sigh of relief, and finally got rid of the bastard princess.

But Xiahou Zi was thinking about how to visit Jianfeng in a legitimate way in the future. Although the five peaks belonged to the Tianqing Sect, they were not allowed to walk around without a valid reason.

So she had to find a reasonable and legal reason to play with Xiao Xi'er if she had nothing to do.

Xia Houzi is not sad anymore after thinking about it, Tianqingzong has only such a big place, is it not easy to meet someone?

Jianfeng, the master of Jianfeng personally met Chu Yunxi and others at the peak, and kindly encouraged them to practice hard in Jianfeng, strive to become a strong man as soon as possible, and serve the emperor or something.

(End of this chapter)

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