Chapter 1306
As soon as the person who spoke in the Tengfeng team had just finished speaking, a person on the side glared at him with an ugly face and said, "Weidong, what do you mean? How could our team let this woman join."

Wei Dong glanced at the speaker and said, "Su Qianye, although she is a woman, her ability lies there."

"What's so awesome about being a peak eighth-rank Martial King?"

Su Qianye, that is, Su Ruoxue's older brother, had a bad face and said coldly.

Wei Dong sneered: "She is not very good, how could she beat other players to become the No. With a cultivation level of the eighth-level Martial King Realm, I believe she will soon break through to the Martial King Realm and become a Martial King Realm."

Wei Dong didn't really think that Chu Yunxi had this ability, but to attack Su Qianye.

On the porch steps, Chu Yunxi had already heard from Wei Dong's words the reason why these people came to find trouble today.

Because Su Ruoxue was taken care of by her, Su Qianye took the opportunity to provoke the boss of the Tengfeng team to bring someone to grab her crystal coin points, and he took the opportunity to take revenge.

It's really a wishful thinking.

Chu Yunxi looked at Su Qianye with a sneer as he thought about it.

"I didn't expect the Tengfeng team to be so ineffective, and they were directly used as gunmen. I don't care if I don't join such a team."

After Chu Yunxi finished speaking, Su Qianye's heart sank. He looked up at Chu Yunxi angrily and said, "What are you talking nonsense about?"

"Don't you know what I said? Isn't it that I took care of your sister? Did you get rid of the trouble your captain came to me in order to avenge your sister? Don't forget that the reason I got rid of your sister is because your sister wants Kill me, so I will deal with her."

After Chu Yunxi finished speaking, Han Teng, the captain of the Tengfeng team, immediately turned pale. He stared at Su Qianye with sinister eyes.

Su Qianye was in cold sweat, he looked up at Han Teng and said, "Boss, don't fall for this little bitch, she did it on purpose, I really counted for the [-] crystal coins, boss, didn't you take a fancy to Huang before?" The Soul Corrosion Knife in the pavilion? If you have [-] crystal coins, you can buy that Soul Corrosion Knife."

After hearing Su Qianye's words, Han Teng's face turned slightly better, he turned to look at Chu Yunxi and said, "You hand over the [-] crystal coins, and I will let you join our Tengfeng team, and we will cover you in the future. "

Chu Yunxi hooked the corner of his mouth, looked at Han Teng and said, "How rare do you think I am? I'm sorry I'm not interested in your Tengfeng team, and no one has ever been able to take my things from me, so Neither can you."

After Chu Yunxi finished speaking, Han Teng and the others were stunned for a while, and Su Qianye on the side shouted as if he had seized the opportunity.

"Chu Yunxi, you are too frivolous to be shameless, so don't blame us for being rude."

As soon as he said that, he raised his hand and wanted to attack Chu Yunxi.

It's just that before Su Qianye's attack touched Chu Yunxi's body, a whirlwind figure rushed in from behind.

With a bang, Su Qianye was directly pushed back a few steps by the opponent's palm. After he stood still, his blood flowed backwards, and blood spilled out of his mouth.

Su Qianye struggled to stand up straight and looked forward angrily, facing Bai Zixuan who was dressed in white, he shouted angrily: "Who are you?"

Bai Zixuan looked at Su Qianye like an idiot: "Isn't it stupid? You are naturally a disciple of Jianfeng at Jianfeng. Your brain is fine, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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