Chapter 1314
Xiahou Zi's footsteps tended, and she almost fell to the ground.

How long has it been since the peak of the Ninth Rank Martial King?

She has been at the peak of the eighth step for a long time, it seems like more than a year, and she hasn't advanced yet, and looking at Xiao Yunyun, this is too heaven-defying.

Not only Xia Houzi, but also Bai Zixuan and Ye Yuchen behind were also shocked.

Bai Zixuan's face immediately changed. He thought of what the black market alchemist had said to him when he went to the black market to get medicinal materials. The black market alchemist said that although he didn't know what kind of elixir these medicinal materials were made from, he knew these things The medicine is refined to be a sixth-order elixir.

What if it was really a refined sixth-order elixir?

Bai Zixuan didn't dare to imagine, this woman is too inhumane, her alchemist is poor in cultivation, she is amazing in all aspects.

Even if such a woman recognizes her as the master, it won't be a loss. In the future, if she becomes the overlord, he will not be bad even in Baihe City.

The more Bai Zixuan thought about it, the more excited he became, and he decided in his heart to recognize Chu Yunxi as the master.

Ye Yuchen, who was beside Bai Zixuan, was also very shocked. He went in for ten days like others, and he entered the Jin Dynasty so quickly, but he still hadn't advanced. Breaking through to the cultivation level of the Martial Emperor Realm, could it be that this is the only way for him to cultivate.

Thinking of this possibility, Ye Yuchen felt an inexplicable panic in his heart. He is the genius of Beiming City, the hope of Beiming City. If he ends up like this, don't say he is disappointed, his father will be disappointed too.

How much medicinal materials have been cultivated from childhood to adulthood to this step.

The more Ye Yuchen thought about it, the more panicked he became, and finally he didn't dare to think about it any more.

Chu Yunxi didn't know the chaotic thoughts of the two behind. She only cared about the situation at the Seven Star Sect of the outer sect.

It only took a stick of incense for a group of four people to go from the inner door to the outer door. When they rushed to the courtyard where the Seven Star Sect members lived in the outer door, they heard someone shouting from a distance.

"Jiang Yao, Chen Feiyang, Hu Ya, we will give you another chance. If you leave the Seven Star Sect now, we will not make things difficult for you. And if you want to join our team, we will warmly welcome you."

"If you don't know how to flatter, we will never be soft-hearted. I think you should learn from Xia Miaorui. See how Xia Miaorui knows how to flatter. She will come over as soon as we talk about it, so we won't attack her."

When this person finished speaking, Jiang Yao's voice came from the opposite side: "Stop talking nonsense, let's fight, we may not lose to you."

"Hehe, I really don't know what to do. Since you are determined to mix with people from the Seven Star Sect, then there is no need for us to be soft."

As soon as the speaker finished speaking, the figure shot up abruptly, heading straight for Jiang Yao, and at the same time swung a heavy punch towards Jiang Yao fiercely.

This person was at the peak of the eighth level, and he went straight to Jiang Yao with heavy fists and wind and rain.

Jiang Yao's cultivation was at the beginning of the eighth stage. If he ran into him head-on, he would definitely be injured by the power of his heavy punches.

But Jiang Yao didn't flinch, and stepped forward to meet him.

Seeing that the two were about to collide fiercely, a ghost-like figure suddenly floated past outside the crowd, and the visitor raised his hand to meet the opponent's heavy punch, with a bang.

In the end, it was not Jiang Yao who was sent flying, but the person who spoke earlier.

The man was thrown into the air, and fell to the ground with a slamming sound. Blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

He struggled to get up and looked across.

(End of this chapter)

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