Chapter 1318 I'm Normal
The people in the small courtyard looked nervously at the middle of the small courtyard, and they saw a man in black robes and a delicate grimace mask. At this time, his pair of black pupils were as cold as ghosts, and the exposed sexy A sinister smile slowly formed on the corner of his lips.

Inside and outside the small courtyard, many people were frightened, even Elder Ge was frightened, and subconsciously stepped back, thinking to himself, who summoned this evil spirit.

Yan Heng, who was wearing a silver mask, said again sullenly: "Where is Elder Ge going to take my people?"

After hearing Yan Heng's words, Chu Yunxi's heart tightened, this guy wouldn't say anything in public.

It's just that when she looked into Yan Heng's eyes, Yan Heng gave her a calm look, Chu Yunxi let go of her heart, and looked at everything in front of her with her arms crossed.

With Yan Heng around, she doesn't have to worry about Elder Ge taking her away again.

Elder Ge in front of Chu Yunxi didn't know who Yan Heng was talking about?
He glanced at the people beside him and said cautiously: "I don't know who is His Royal Highness King Su?"

Yan Heng's deep phoenix eyes looked at Ye Yuchen who was beside Chu Yunxi, and slowly said, "Ye Yuchen, didn't you tell Elder Ge that you belong to my king?"

After Yan Heng finished speaking, the surroundings immediately started discussing, and everyone whispered.

What does King Su mean by this?Does it mean that he has taken a fancy to Ye Yuchen's ability, or does it mean that Ye Yuchen has become his male favourite?

I have heard before that His Royal Highness King Su is male and female, is this true?
Ye Yuchen was in a bewildered state, and when he woke up, he heard people around him talking about whether he was attacking or receiving.

Ye Yuchen wanted to scold someone, damn it, I am a normal man and woman who love each other, not men and women.

Ye Yuchen thought of King Su, the culprit, and looked at King Su with a sad face and said, "Your Highness, I haven't had time to say it yet, and Elder Ge didn't give me a chance to say it."

Elder Ge looked at Ye Yuchen in horror, what did he mean by not giving him a chance to speak, what did he mean by not giving him a chance to say a word for such a long time, he was wronged.

Elder Ge, who had been stern and selfless a moment ago, now looked at King Su sincerely and said, "His Royal Highness, it's not that the old man didn't tell him, but he didn't say anything at all."

Without waiting for Ye Yuchen to finish his sentence, he looked at King Su and said, "His Royal Highness, since this man is yours, you can take him away. The old man didn't see anything he did."

After Elder Ge finished speaking, several people lying on the ground in the small courtyard were stunned and fainted in an instant.

Ye Yuchen beat them very hard before, so why didn't he see what he did.

Isn't it said that Elder Ge is the most stern and selfless elder in the Law Enforcement Hall?What's the matter?

If you ask Elder Ge about this, Elder Ge will definitely tell the questioner that even the emperor has nothing to do with His Highness King Su. What can he do? Even if he sues King Su to the emperor, the emperor will say Su Wang said a few words, and let Su Wang go back when he turned around.

But if King Su went back, he would be unlucky, not only him, but also the Ge family behind him would be retaliated by King Su, so he couldn't offend this evil spirit, he couldn't.

Countless villains were jumping in Elder Ge's heart. At this time, he had long forgotten that he was a ruthless and selfless law enforcement elder. He just wanted King Su to take him away quickly.

It's a pity that King Su didn't intend to just let it go. He looked at Elder Ge with cool phoenix eyes, the light in his eyes was like snake pupils emitting a cold air, and the cold thread slowly eroded Elder Ge.

(End of this chapter)

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