Chapter 1321

The faces of Jiang Yao and Chen Feiyang turned red instantly, and they didn't know whether they were angry or ashamed.

In short, Chu Yunxi's words that men must be so cheap stimulated them.

They were indeed addicted to Xia Miaorui's tears just now, but what Chu Yunxi said was right, one time of infidelity is not used a hundred times, if that woman betrays them again in the future, it will be their own fault.

Jiang Yao and Chen Feiyang figured this out, and immediately apologized: "Chu Yunxi, it's our fault."

Xiahou Zi smiled and said: "Okay, okay, from now on you will all be members of our Night Owl team, don't worry, my sister will protect you from now on, don't worry about someone bullying you again, right, from now on you will Call me Sister Zi."

The women present immediately opened their mouths and called Xia Houzi: "Sister Zi."

The man was embarrassed to call it that way, and called out together: "Princess."

Xia Hou Zibai glanced at Long Yuan, Xiao Mu and the others and said, "Since you don't want to call me Sister Zi, you can call me Xia Hou Zi."


After Xia Houzi introduced herself, Ye Yuchen on the side said, "My name is Ye Yuchen, you can call me by my name."

"it is good."

Bai Zixuan just walked in from outside the door, and after hearing what Ye Yuchen said, he introduced himself: "My name is Bai Zixuan, and the other guy is named Luo Wuhen. one."

Before Bai Zixuan finished speaking, an angry voice came from outside the door: "Bai Zixuan, are you making arrangements for me behind your back again?"

Luo Wuhen, who was dressed in brocade embroidered clothes, walked in. As soon as he entered, everyone felt their eyes hurt.

It's really because the gold thread on the copper coin embroidered clothes that this guy is wearing is so dazzling that it looks like a ball of golden light at first glance.

After a closer look, it was clear that he was wearing a brocade robe embroidered with gold thread and copper coins.

When several people looked at Luo Wuhen, they all agreed with Bai Zixuan's words in their hearts, and they really were a coquettish guy.

In the small courtyard, Chu Yunxi saw that everyone had arrived, and after glancing at everyone, she said, "Okay, everyone knows each other today, from now on everyone here will be members of the Night Owl team, our team members The team rule is that we do not bully the weak, but we will never allow others to bully. In addition, everyone must obey the captain, which is my arrangement. If there is any dissatisfaction, stand up immediately, I will not blame you, but if you If you don’t obey my orders and act on your own, don’t blame me for taking action.”

Chu Yunxi's face was cold, and her almond eyes were as cold as ice.

Everyone in the small courtyard trembled, knowing that she would do what she said.

The members of the Seven Star Sect were the first to speak: "We will follow the captain's arrangement from now on."

Xia Houzi and others also spoke: "Obey the captain's arrangement."

Jiang Yao and others also answered: "Obey the captain's arrangement."

"Okay, very good, I'll let you know that you followed me with the right person. In the future, our Night Owl team will become the first team of Tianqingzong, and our people present will also become the overlords of all parties in the future."

Everyone's hearts were warmed by what she said.

Although they thought it was a dream, no one prevented them from dreaming.

Among all the people present, only Bai Zixuan knew that this woman would do what she said.

Her cultivation talent is different from ordinary people, her alchemy skills are different from ordinary people, she has mutant beasts and monsters on her body, and even the sword she used to fight him before is an extraordinary artifact.

This woman must be someone in the future, and they won't lose money by following him.

(End of this chapter)

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