Chapter 1328 Die

Chu Yunxi was thinking in his heart that You Kai and the others on the opposite side had woken up, and You Kai was furious. He had never seen such a ignorant woman.

"Jiang Yihai, kill this bitch for me."

Jiang Yihai didn't say a word, and walked straight towards Chu Yunxi.

Ye Yuchen who was beside Chu Yunxi immediately rushed forward and slapped Jiang Yihai.

With a bang, the Yuan force exploded, and Ye Yuchen was shocked back several steps by Jiang Yihai's Yuan force, but Jiang Yihai's expression remained the same, with a relaxed expression.

Ye Yuchen's indescribable depression, is this the gap between the Martial King Realm and the Martial King Realm?However, he has practiced for more than a year without breaking through to the Martial King Realm. He is really too afraid that he will stagnate at the Martial King Realm.

It's not impossible, too many people do it.

The more Ye Yuchen thought about it, the more desperate he became. Chu Yunxi on the side immediately felt it, and she asked with concern: "Are you okay?"

Ye Yuchen shook his head, unable to tell the woman beside him about his depression.

Chu Yunxi still wanted to ask, but Jiang Yihai came straight to Chu Yunxi.

Chu Yunxi's face changed, and his body moved to meet Jiang Yihai.

She was different from Ye Yuchen. She also planned to use poison while making a move, so that the other party's reaction stopped for an instant, and that was her chance.

It's just that before Chu Yunxi had time to make a move, a black figure suddenly floated out of the dark forest behind him. As soon as the person appeared, he slapped Jiang Yihai's chest fiercely with that fierce force. Jiang Yihai flew away.

Jiang Yihai was at the first level of Martial Emperor Realm, yet he was blown away so easily.

You Kai and the others were stunned, and waited until they woke up.

Yan Heng had landed beside Chu Yunxi.

You Kai knew that he had encountered a strong opponent now, and the strength of the opponent was obviously higher than his.

You Huai's face was indescribably ugly, and he shouted at the people beside him: "Come on, kill them."

Several figures flashed over.

Ye Yuchen, Chu Yunxi and the others were not afraid of anyone except those who were at the Martial Emperor Realm.

So both of them fought together, You Kai was not Yan Heng's opponent, after a few moves, he was directly severely injured.

Seeing that the momentum was not good, he dodged and fled.

The subordinates behind saw that they were flustered and panicked, and as a result, several people were all seriously injured.

If it weren't for considering that this was the scope of Tianqingzong, Chu Yunxi would never let these guys go.


Even though a few people were seriously injured, they still got up and struggled to escape for their lives, fearing that they would be killed if they ran slower.

But these people escaped with good luck, but Su Qianye didn't have such a good life.

Chu Yunxi led the people towards Su Qianye step by step.

Su Qianye's eyes were full of panic, and he retreated subconsciously: "Chu Yunxi, what do you want to do? It was you, you hurt my sister first, otherwise I wouldn't bother you."

Chu Yunxi sneered and said, "These are not important anymore."

As soon as she said that, she shot towards Su Qianye with a sharp body, and raised her hand to slap Su Qianye. Su Qianye wanted to run, but unfortunately, his body seemed to be sucked by a force, making him unable to struggle.

Su Qianye found that the strong energy in his body was rushing towards Chu Yunxi's body quickly, and he was startled now, his face turned pale and he roared.

"Chu Yunxi, what are you doing?"

"What? Kill people."

Anyone who dares to touch her will die.

(End of this chapter)

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