Chapter 1337 Refining Tier [-] Pill
Chu Yunxi did not pay attention to Su Xueyang who was behind her. She was now focusing on this training. They had to break through the cultivation level of the Martial King Realm and become masters of the Martial King Realm before heading to the Fenyan Mountain Range. Qualified to compete with others.

As soon as Chu Yunxi returned to the small courtyard, she asked Xiao Lan'er to bring a pen, ink and paper, and then she began to write the medicinal materials she needed.

When the writing is finished, there are two big sheets of paper. The reason why she needs so many medicinal materials this time is that in addition to the medicinal materials for their advancement, she also plans to refine some medicinal herbs for self-defense for the guys from the outer sect. In case she is not at this stage, someone will make trouble for them.

In addition, she also refined some elixirs needed to go to the Fenyan Mountains this time, such as elixirs for removing fire poison, and elixirs for producing cool air in the body after eating them. In short, there are many elixirs of all kinds.

Bai Zixuan didn't ask any more questions, and immediately took the paper and went out. Chu Yunxi told him: "You ask the people in the black market to raise money quickly, and if it's too late, you won't be able to catch up."

Bai Zixuan responded and left. Chu Yunxi signaled Ye Yuchen, Xia Houzi and others to rest. After she finished refining the elixir, they went to the back mountain of Tianqingzong to find a place to advance.

The back mountain range of Tianqingzong is huge, if they enter the back mountain range, even if they advance, no one will think that they are advancing.

Ye Yuchen, Xia Houzi and the others left excitedly, while Chu Yunxi planned to use this gap to try refining a sixth-order elixir.

If the sixth-order elixir takes shape, it will not only cause pill lightning, but also cause abnormal phases in the world. Fortunately, her space is a world of its own, and she will cause vibrations inside, and people outside will not know.

When Chu Yunxi was about to enter the space, little Mo'er outside the door came in and reported to Chu Yunxi: "Master, there is a man named Wei Li outside who wants to see you."

As soon as Chu Yunxi heard that Wei Li wanted to see her, she immediately asked Xiao Mo'er to call him in.

Wei Li came in and saw no one in the room and said respectfully: "My lord, my lord was summoned into the palace by the emperor, my lord asked my subordinates to come down and tell my lord, my lord can go to the Fenyan Mountain Range without worry, my lord will go later, let my lord Be careful."

"Well, I see. By the way, come here tomorrow morning. I have something to tell you."

Chu Yunxi didn't know if she could refine the sixth-order elixir, so she just asked Wei Li to come over early tomorrow morning. If she could refine the sixth-order elixir, she would ask Wei Li to take the elixir back and give it to him. Yan Heng, if it can't be refined, then just find another reason.

Wei Li didn't doubt that he was there, and after saying yes, he lifted his feet and went out.

In the room, Chu Yunxi called Xiao Lan'er and Xiao Mo'er to come in, and asked about the situation of the two of them with concern. Seeing that they were in a good mood and were not stimulated by the previous incident, Chu Yunxi felt relieved and told them to The two of them rested by themselves, and no one was allowed to disturb her.

Xiao Lan'er and Xiao Mo'er responded, and Chu Yunxi ordered Sexy Lion and Flying Silver Wolf to accompany Xiao Lan'er and Xiao Mo'er.

Sassy Lion and Flying Silver Wolf knew Chu Yunxi's habits, and once she gave such an order, it meant that she wanted to refine the elixir.

So the two beasts obediently agreed, not daring to be careless.

In the room, Chu Yunxi entered the space and began to refine the sixth-order Juyuan Pill. The Juyuan Pill can advance the cultivation of the Martial Emperor Realm. As for how many steps to advance, it depends on the individual's cultivation talent. , some people can even advance to two levels.

This elixir is fused with several kinds of rare geniuses and earth treasures, so the power of the phantasy gathered is very powerful.

(End of this chapter)

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