Chapter 1341

Chu Yunxi subconsciously stepped back, and the man squatting on the ground rushed over and surrounded her with a crash.

"Boss, have you refined it?"

"Yeah, can we now cultivate and advance?"

"Little Yunyun, where is mine, is it alright?"

Several people were extremely excited, and even Ye Yuchen, who had always been quiet and seemed to be out of this world, asked nervously.

He is still a little unbelievable that he can break through with a single elixir. During this day, he seems to be dreaming.

Although he knew that the pills were very powerful, many precious pills had been lost in the Tianhuang Empire. Where did this woman, Chu Yunxi, get these precious pills.

Although Ye Yuchen had doubts in his heart, even doubts about the efficacy of the elixir refined by Chu Yunxi, he didn't dare to show it. If he showed it, he might lose his share of the elixir.

Chu Yunxi glanced at the person in front of him speechlessly and said: "Okay, stop making trouble, everyone has a share, we still have two days, everyone must advance within two days, otherwise we will This team is too weak."

As soon as Chu Yunxi said, several people calmed down. That’s right, there are five people in their team. If they don’t advance, they are really too weak. The Fenyan Mountain Range is full of dangers. I'm afraid I won't die.

Ye Yuchen, Bai Zixuan, Xia Houzi and Luo Wuhen all nodded in unison.

"The boss said yes."

Chu Yunxi immediately distributed everyone's pills to their hands.

"Okay, now let's go to the back mountain, find a remote and uninhabited place, and practice hard to advance."

Several people nodded, Chu Yunxi led the people out, and suddenly thought that they were cultivators, and someone must guard them, so she wanted to take the pervert and the silver wolf away, but she took these two guys away, Xiao Lan'er What should I do with Xiao Mo'er?
Chu Yunxi thought for a while, and took Xiao Lan'er and Xiao Mo'er with her.

A group of people dodged and went straight to the back mountain. When they reached the remote place in the back mountain, Chu Yunxi glanced at the people around him and said, "Everyone, spread out and find a place to practice, but not too far away. In case something happens, we can help you in time."


A few figures flashed and shot out, and now they couldn't wait to cultivate their own power.

Chu Yunxi also took Xiao Lan'er, Xiao Mo'er, Lustful Lion and Flying Silver Wolf to find a place to practice, and soon she found a secluded and uninhabited cave. Yun Xi didn't go into the cave, she just sat down at a place a little deeper than the cave entrance. She raised her hand and cast a barrier, and then let the pervert and the flying silver wolf guard outside, and at the same time let them take care of Xiao Lan'er and Xiao Mo'er.

After Chu Yunxi arranged these things, he took the advanced pill and began to practice breakthrough.

Time passed slowly, the night passed quickly, and the day also passed quickly. In the evening, several black thunderclouds suddenly floated over the sky behind Tianqingzong Mountain. somewhere in the mountains.

This kind of black thundercloud is different from ordinary black thunderclouds, it is fierce and strong.

It's a pity that it was night at this time, so no one in Tianqing Sect noticed it until the sound of thunder exploded.

Everyone in the Tianqing Sect was alarmed, and many disciples said in surprise: "God, someone has advanced to the level of Martial Emperor, it's really amazing."

"Why do I feel that the movement of this black thunder cloud is a bit loud?"

"It's different from the people who advanced in the past, and the movements are too big."

(End of this chapter)

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