Chapter 1343
Chu Yunxi didn't bother to pay attention to it, and just looked at Xiao Lan'er and Xiao Mo'er and said, "You two are all right."

The two little guys recognized Chu Yunxi as their master, and amazement flashed in their eyes.

The master is so beautiful, really good-looking, capable, and good-hearted, and now he looks good again.

"Master, you look so beautiful."

After Xiao Lan'er finished speaking, Xiao Mo'er nodded: "Yeah, she is beautiful, she is the most beautiful person I have ever seen."

Chu Yunxi was amused by them, reached out and pinched their noses and said, "Well, I like to hear that."

While the three were talking, someone shot at him from the dense forest in front of him. As soon as he came, he pointed at Chu Yunxi and said, "You, who are you?"

Xia Houzi and Luo Wuhen looked at Chu Yunxi in horror, and then saw Chu Yunxi pinching the faces of Xiao Lan'er and Xiao Mo'er.

The two were a little stunned, but they didn't dare to recognize each other.

This fairy-like pretty sister is their eldest.

My God, is there any reason for this?Strong ability, great ability, and now he is still so good-looking, does this mean that people are not allowed to live?

"You're not the boss, are you?"

Luo Wuhen spoke first, and Chu Yunxi nodded with arms crossed: "Well, what's the matter?"

Xia Houzi had rushed over quickly and hugged her.

"Boss, you still let people live, it's already against the sky, and people are so good-looking, you are trying to make all the women in the world jealous."

Chu Yunxi twitched the corners of her mouth speechlessly. She was good-looking, but she was not as exaggerated as Xia Houzi said. Xia Houzi herself was very beautiful, and no matter how beautiful a woman was, she could not represent all the women in the world. , every woman has her own beauty.

Chu Yunxi thought with a smile and said, "Okay, don't be so exaggerated, okay?"

"Really, this face is also delicate, the eyes are well-shaped, the nose is good, and the mouth is good. The most important thing is that the skin can be broken by blows and bombs, and it is as bullying as snow." Xia Houzi raised her hand and pinched Chu Yun Xi's cheeks are smooth and delicate, smoother than a baby's skin, which is really enviable.

"Boss, boss, have you taken some beauty pills? Why is your skin so good?"

Chu Yunxi glared at her with black lines on his face, but when he looked down, her skin was indeed much better than before.

After thinking about it for a while, Chu Yunxi said: "You forgot that I have advanced to the Martial Emperor Realm. After being tempered by the black thunder cloud, my skin will naturally heal. Not to mention the skin, it is The five senses have also become extremely agile."

The more Chu Yunxi talked, the brighter Xiahou Zi's eyes became, and she quickly said, "I also want to train and advance to the Martial Emperor Realm as soon as possible."

Luo Wuhen nodded immediately: "I want it too, I want it too."

When the two people were shouting, the sound of breaking wind sounded again behind them. This time it was Ye Yuchen and Bai Zixuan who came. The strong vitality of the two people made it clear at a glance that the two of them had broken through. The cultivation base of the Martial Emperor Realm has been reached.

Although Xia Houzi had some taste, she happily congratulated them.


"Not bad."

Bai Zixuan nodded happily, but when he looked up and saw Chu Yunxi standing in front of the cave door, he was surprised: "You, who are you?"

Ye Yuchen has always been calm, and when he came here before, he understood that this woman was their boss.

At this moment, he finally understood why King Su valued the boss. She is good-looking, capable, and capable. Such a woman is rare to meet, so how could King Su not like her.

(End of this chapter)

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