Chapter 135 hateful and pathetic

At this moment, Liu Ruqin couldn't tell why she hated herself, why her medical skills were so poor, and why her talent for practicing medicine was not high. If she had high abilities, she could detoxify her cousin by herself. If you don't love yourself, the position of the princess of the Yanling Palace is not yours.

If this woman cured her cousin's poison now, would she still have a chance?
Liu Ruqin cried again. While crying, she hated Lin Qiucheng in her heart. She was such a waste. She promised to help her, but ended up helping this woman, Chu Yunxi. Why didn't he die.

Liu Ruqin thought with hatred.

In the room, Chu Yunxi had stopped the bleeding for Yan Heng, and he finally stopped vomiting blood.

The old concubine, Mu Xiu, Fu Sheng and others all breathed a sigh of relief, while Chu Yunxi immediately looked at Mu Xiu and said, "Do you have any elixir for nourishing blood? Take one immediately for the prince."

In a place like Yanling Prince's Mansion, there is no shortage of pills.

In response, Mu Xiu took a purple blood pill and swallowed it for Yan Heng, while Chu Yunxi went to the table on the side of the room and prescribed some detoxifying herbs.

"Mu guard, go and grab some medicinal materials immediately."

Mu Xiu took the prescription and rushed to the medicine storehouse of Prince Yanling's mansion. Here, the old concubine asked Chu Yunxi anxiously, "Can my son's poison be cured?"

"The poison of silver horn grass can be cured."

After Chu Yunxi finished speaking, everyone in the room breathed a sigh of relief. The most important thing is to remove the poison of silver horn grass first, because this poison makes people vomit blood non-stop. If it is not removed, they will vomit blood and die.

After Chu Yunxi finished speaking, Lin Qiucheng on the side of the room said lifelessly, "Why can't I solve it?"

Chu Yunxi looked up at Lin Qiucheng, this man is really hateful and pathetic.

She knew that the reason why he took action against her was because of Liu Ruqin, but unfortunately Liu Ruqin didn't appreciate him doing this at all, and she might still hate her at this moment.

Chu Yunxi thought about it and said in a deep voice: "You only care about detoxifying the silver horn grass, but you forget that the silver horn grass and the antidote medicine Nine-Tailed Nightshade are mutually restraining. When these two kinds meet together, they will breed Another hidden poison, so when you detoxify silver horn grass, you have to detoxify it at the same time."

As soon as these words came out, Lin Qiucheng swayed from side to side, with a wry smile on the corner of his mouth, it turned out to be like this, yes, it was like this.

But he couldn't think of this. He intuitively thought that the antidote medicinal materials would be fine, so he only focused on detoxifying the silver horn grass, but he didn't think that the nine-tailed nightshade flower and the silver horn grass are mutually restraining. , will breed another kind of poison.

"Your medical skills are much better than mine, and I think I'm not as good as you."

In the room, after listening to Lin Qiucheng's words, everyone stared at Chu Yunxi quietly.

No one expected that the new princess turned out to be a doctor with superb medical skills.

But why has there never been such news from Dijing?

The old concubine anxiously asked: "Chu Yunxi, can you cure the poison my son was poisoned before?"

Chu Yunxi didn't have time to reply, outside the door, Mu Xiu took the medicinal materials and came in: "Princess, the medicinal materials are here."

At this time, Mu Xiu not only respected Chu Yunxi as a respect for the princess, but also had a sense of admiration for a doctor whose medical skills were superior to his own.

Chu Yunxi nodded and instructed Mu Xiu: "Later, you follow the steps I said to use Yuanli to squeeze out the juice from the medicinal materials and feed it into the prince's mouth. In addition, I need someone to use Yuanli to help the prince run the meridians in the body. In this way, the medicinal materials will volatilize faster and the poison will be detoxified faster."

(End of this chapter)

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