Chapter 1352 See I Don't Kill You
After Chu Yunxi saw that Wei Li had received the pill, he took out a few more pills and handed them to Wei Li, saying, "This is the pill that allows the peak of the ninth-rank Martial King to advance to the Martial Emperor Realm. You bring it to your lord." , if someone under him has difficulty advancing, use this pill to break through, so that his staff can be used."

When Wei Li heard this, he almost jumped up for joy.

If he hadn't held back, he would have hugged the princess.

Princess, you are really timely.

"Princess, you don't know, Yan Sheng and the others are stuck at the peak of the ninth-rank Martial King. The prince has also thought of a way for them, but there is no way to break through. Your elixir is really timely."

Chu Yunxi smiled: "Well, I have tried this, I myself used this to break through to the Martial Emperor Realm before."

When Wei Li heard this, he immediately looked at Chu Yunxi with wide eyes, and smiled excitedly: "Then the princess is also a master at the Martial Emperor Realm."

"Tier [-] Martial Emperor."

"God," Wei Li covered his mouth, the princess is really against the sky, how long has it been, she has already advanced to the second level Martial Emperor's cultivation, it is really amazing.

Seeing Wei Li's stupid look, Chu Yunxi waved his hands in a funny way, "Okay, go back quickly, so that your prince won't be in a hurry."

After she finished speaking, she looked at Wei Li and said, "When I'm free, I'll make some advanced medicine for you."

Wei Li and Fu Sheng's cultivation talents are not that high, but she can use pills to help them improve as much as possible, which will also make them less tired.

Wei Li nodded immediately: "Thank you, thank you."

As he said that, he turned around to leave, but Chu Yunxi reminded him from behind: "Don't forget to change your face."

Now that Wei Li came to see her, it was his true face, so others didn't know that he was Yan Heng's subordinate. If he ran to find Yan Heng so rashly, wouldn't people know that King Su had something to do with her.

After Wei Li answered in front, he went to find a place to change his face.

On the other hand, Chu Yunxi bit his finger and dripped blood on the Bingxuan Lingzhu.

With a drop of blood, she felt that her body, which was still hot before, became cool in the blink of an eye, and she couldn't feel any heat at all.

Chu Yunxi immediately became happy. This Ice Mysterious Lingzhu is really a good thing. She will try its attack power later.

Chu Yunxi put away the Lingzhu cherishingly.

As soon as she put away the Lingzhu, she heard shouting and cursing from behind: "You rebellious son, see if I don't kill you, where are you going, come back to me, if I don't kill you, you won't be your father."

Bai Zixuan's voice sounded from behind: "Boss, help, boss, I'm dying."

Chu Yunxi turned around, and saw a tall and burly middle-aged man chasing and beating Bai Zixuan, beating and cursing at the same time.

"I'm raising you for nothing. If you don't want to think about me if you have something good, just give it to someone else. If I beat you to death today, I'll treat you as nothing."

Bai Zixuan quickly ran to Chu Yunxi's side, hid behind her and shouted towards the front: "Listen to me, I have something to say."

"Say, what are you talking about, I don't want to hear anything from you now, I just want to kill you."

The middle-aged man rushed over while looking at Chu Yunxi and said, "Girl, step aside, don't hurt the innocent."

Chu Yunxi frowned slightly, staring at the man opposite and said: "Who are you, why did you beat him, he is my subordinate, I will not let anyone hurt my subordinates."

(End of this chapter)

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