Chapter 1356

Everyone outside the Shenfu was shocked, and no one dared to rush forward casually.

The people who fell into the magma and blinked without leaving their bones are all top experts in the Tianhuang Empire. It is because they are so powerful that they rushed to the front without fear. Unfortunately, it was they who were the first to be unlucky. .

In front, the magnificent palace of Shenfu slowly emerged from under the magma, bit by bit, almost all of them were unearthed.

Moreover, this palace is not one, but countless palaces connected together, rolling up and down. At a glance, more than half of the mountain range is occupied by this divine palace. That gorgeous palace seems to be built on the Fenyan Mountain Range. Kingdom, people look at it hot and greedy.

But now everyone is blocked by the Shenfu. Who knows how many days this Shenfu was born, if it only appeared once, it would disappear.

Then wouldn't they get nothing, and the trip was in vain. The point is not this, but don't they just watch the Shenfu pass them by, and don't know what will happen next time they are born? was born.

In front of the gate of the Shenfu, all the forces gathered stood up and said: "There is obviously a barrier set up by the master of the Shenfu outside the Shenfu. I think we can work together to break this barrier."

The person who spoke was the Zhenzong elder of the Medicine Sect. When he finished speaking, all the elders of the various sects behind him agreed, and the leaders of some forces also agreed. In the end, dozens of people stepped forward and intended to use their powerful yuan power to break the law. Open these barriers, but even if they joined forces, they couldn't get rid of the barriers as they wished.

That powerful barrier seems to have taken root, and nothing can break him.

Everyone outside the Divine Palace was disappointed.

"This cannot be broken at all."

"Yeah, can't we really get in?"

"Looks like it was a waste of time."

Everyone on the field sighed in disappointment, but they didn't leave for a while, and they all tried their best to think of how to break the barrier left by the master of the Shenfu. Unfortunately, when all the Shenfu was born, everyone had nothing to enter. The method, among them, everyone thought of a lot of methods, but in the end they all failed.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and it had been a day and a night since the Shenfu was born, and everyone was still at a loss, and the people from the five major sects decided to stop.

The Supreme Elder of Tianqing Sect glanced at the elders of other sects beside him and said: "It seems that this blessed land of the divine mansion is not destined for us, and we don't need to be persistent. This blessed land should be obtained by destined people, so we Let's just stop."

The elders of Baiyunzong and Xuanyuezong both nodded and sighed: "It seems so, there is no point in keeping it."

After talking, everyone called the disciples behind them to leave together, and Elder Gongsun of Tianqingzong also called the disciples of his own sect.

"Okay, these blessings have nothing to do with us, let's go back first."

The sect disciples of Tianqing Sect sighed and sighed. They never expected to see the Shenfu with their own eyes, but they didn't have the chance to enter the Shenfu to win the treasure. It's really depressing.

The disciples of Tianqingzong left first.

Chu Yunxi, who was at the back, glanced at the gorgeous rolling palace in front of him. Even if he couldn't enter the Shenfu Debao, it was good to see such a scene, and Chu Yunxi admired the owner of the Shenfu very much.

The owner of the Shenfu built such a gorgeous palace with her own spiritual power, which shows that she is a very powerful person. When will she be so powerful like a human being? .

(End of this chapter)

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