Chapter 1362 The Eerie Palace
Huo Qilin shouted excitedly: "Little Yunyun, I feel it, I feel the breath of the Ten Thousand Years Spirit Spring."

"No, no, in addition to the breath of the Ten Thousand Years Spiritual Spring, there is also the breath of the Phoenix Fire Red Lotus, my God, I'm going to faint, Xiao Yunyun, go quickly, and grab two treasures for me."

"Ah, my soul and body are hopeful to be restored."

Huo Qilin was too excited and yelled, which caused Chu Yunxi's forehead to hurt. She frowned and shouted at Huo Qilin in the space: "Shut up, can you talk properly?"

Huo Qilin also knew that his loud voice would disturb Chu Yunxi, so he tried his best to suppress his excitement, and said quickly, "Little Yunyun, I'm just so happy, that's why I said it loudly."

Chu Yunxi hummed and asked, "Since you can feel the breath of the Ten Thousand Years Spiritual Spring, you must know where the Ten Thousand Years Spiritual Spring is, right? Now take me to the place where the Ten Thousand Years Spiritual Spring is based on the breath .”

"it is good."

The Huo Qilin immediately responded, and several big monsters in the space stared blankly at the cloud in mid-air and said, "Is this the soul body of an ancient divine beast?"

"should be."

"Didn't it mean that the ancient beasts were all wiped out in a great battle ten thousand years ago? Even our master didn't escape, why is there still a scattered soul here?"

"do not know."

A few people were discussing blankly, and the Huo Qilin above his head shouted impatiently: "Shut up, don't disturb me."

The few big monsters didn't dare to make a sound. Although they were big monsters, the difference between them and the ancient beasts was not the ability of 01:30 points. Even if they were the scattered souls of the ancient beasts, they still had a powerful divine power to suppress the monsters.

Outside, Chu Yunxi followed Huo Qilin's instructions and led Ye Yuchen, Bai Zixuan and others all the way to the most remote palace in the northwest.

As soon as a few people fell into the courtyard in front of the palace, they felt the palace was gloomy and cool. .

Xia Houzi shrank her neck and said, "Why do I feel like this is a ghost palace?"

Bai Zixuan on the side said angrily, "Don't talk nonsense."

In fact, he was also a little scared, carefully looking around.

Chu Yunxi raised her eyebrows and looked at the palace in front of her. Even though she knew there was danger in this palace, she still wanted to go in, because Huohuo said that the Wannian Lingquan was in this palace.

Huohuo helped her a lot along the way, so she naturally wanted to help it condense its soul body.

While thinking, Chu Yunxi raised his feet and walked into the courtyard, all the way to the top of the jade steps, and then went up step by step.

The few people behind followed her footsteps, and they all subconsciously said: "Boss, be careful."

"Yeah, be careful."

The more a few people walked towards the front of the palace, the more they could feel the dark atmosphere inside the palace, that kind of scalp numbness and subconscious fear.

Behind Luo Wuhen couldn't help but said: "Boss, why don't we try another palace, this palace is really terrifying."

But Chu Yunxi shook his head and refused: "No, but if you are afraid, you can wait outside."

Ye Yuchen and Bai Zixuan immediately gave Luo Wuhen a look, and Luo Wuhen said aggrievedly, "I didn't say I wouldn't go in with the boss."

In front of him, Chu Yunxi had already raised his hand and swept towards the gate with a wave of Yuan force, and there was a loud bang from the gate of the palace.

Inside the gate, groups of crimson things flew out.

These things all opened their big blood-red mouths and rushed towards Chu Yunxi.

(End of this chapter)

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