Chapter 1374 Humans Are Still Greedy
Outside the hall, some people began to prepare to evacuate the outer hall, but when they were about to evacuate, they discovered that the water ripple barrier outside the hall had merged again.

They couldn't get out, and now the outer hall was in chaos, and many female disciples couldn't stand it and cried.

"Woooo, if I knew we wouldn't be here, I'm going to die now."

"I don't want to die, I'm only 20 years old, I haven't had enough yet."

"I don't want to die either."

The outer hall was in a mess.

As soon as Chu Yunxi landed in the inner hall, he saw blood in the entire hall. The hall was completely turned into a sea of ​​blood, with broken limbs and arms scattered all over the ground. In this sea of ​​blood, the three people seemed to be insane. They chased and killed the only eight or nine people left.

Among the only eight or nine people left is Yan Heng. At this time, Yan Heng is extremely embarrassed. The silver mask on his face has been knocked off in the fight, and his already hideous face is now covered with scars. , his body was also injured in many places, probably because he took the elixir, so he didn't bleed much, but he fell into the hands of Elder Gongsun at this time.

Elder Gongsun raised his hand and slashed down on his head with a tyrannical force. Chu Yunxi raised his heart in an instant, and rushed over without thinking too much.

Behind her, Lin Jiang and Wang Jiang were afraid that Elder Gongsun's palm would shoot her to death, and at the same time destroy the Wannian Lingquan.

So Lin Jiang and Wang Jiang rushed over like ghosts, raised their hands and blasted at Elder Gongsun with brute force.

Elder Gongsun was directly blasted out.

Although he was powerful, he was still invincible to the martial arts of the generals of the upper forest, so he was sent flying by the second general, and hit hard on the wall on the side of the inner hall.

After Elder Gongsun was sent flying, he quickly stood up again. He opened a pair of blood-red eyes, like a unconscious demon, scanning around, and finally walked towards Chu Yunxi step by step.

Xia Houjin who was behind Chu Yunxi immediately exclaimed, "Yun Xi, be careful."

Chu Yunxi was not worried, General Lin and General Wang would not let anyone hurt her, they were afraid that if she died, the spiritual spring in her body would be destroyed.

So if someone deals with her, Lin Jiangwang will definitely take action to deal with her.

Chu Yunxi's eyes fell on Yan Heng who was collapsed on the ground.

Yan Heng raised his eyes and glanced at Chu Yunxi, seeing that Chu Yunxi was not injured, he sat down with a slight smile and used his breath to adjust his breath.

Just at this moment, there was a slight laughter in the hall, which was somewhat contemptuous and sneering.

"Hehe, human beings are still so greedy."

With these words, the air seemed to freeze, and everyone seemed to be frozen at this moment.

Lin Jiang and Wang Jiang turned their heads to look at the jade statue sitting on the chair in the main hall with surprise on their faces, and they knelt down slowly and said, "This subordinate has seen the master."

The jade statue slowly recovered, and then a man with silver hair and gray robe appeared.

The man looks young and not very old, with a very handsome face, a pair of narrow peach blossom eyes, when looking at people, there is a little sneer.

Compared to others' immobility, no thought.

Chu Yunxi found that she was not affected. She looked up at the man in front of her, surprised at his youth, but soon she understood who this man was.

She was probably the ancient god beast Taixu Gulong, who never expected that this person looked so young and beautiful, but it was a pity that he died.

(End of this chapter)

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