Chapter 1379 Fusion Pill

However, the oasis hidden in the Fenyan Mountains can't feel the heat from the outside at all. There should be some kind of treasure underground, such as spiritual jade, to keep this place cool.

The reason why Chu Yunxi knew this place was because he accidentally saw it when he was swept out by General Lin and General Wang.

Right now it's time to use it.

Bai Zixuan, Xia Houzi and the others were amazed: "My God, there is such an oasis in the Fenyan Mountains. It's amazing. We can see hot rocks in all directions, but this place is so cool. There must be treasures in the underground." .”

"Should we dig out the treasure, it must be a good thing."

Xia Houzi said excitedly, and Chu Yunxi immediately said angrily, "Hurry up and practice your whipping technique, don't be too greedy."

Xia Houzi stuck out her tongue, and quickly flew to find a place to practice.

Others also quickly found a place to practice their own skills.

Chu Yunxi released seven big monsters from the space and ordered them to guard the oasis. Right now, she is going to practice in seclusion. Firstly, she will cultivate her own strength and secondly, she will make some liquid medicine and fusion pills.

After hearing her words, several big demons immediately asked with interest: "Master, are you refining the Fusion Pill for us?"

After Chu Yunxi glanced at a few big monsters, she wanted to say that they were incidental. The one she most wanted to resurrect was the fire unicorn. It helped her a lot, so she wanted to resurrect her.

It has now entered Fenghuohonglian to fuse her soul, and when its soul is condensed successfully, she will take it to Wanyao Forest to choose a suitable body, and then take the fusion pill, so that Huohuo can be revived.

Chu Yunxi felt happy after thinking about it, then looked up at the big monsters opposite and said, "Of course it's for you, so you all guard this place for me."

"Yes, master, we will go right away."

Several big monsters happily ran out to take charge of the task of guarding this oasis.

Chu Yunxi found a relatively secluded place to sit down. As soon as she sat down, she immediately dodged into the space.

The world in the space is full of spiritual power, and the air seems to be full of sweetness. The herbs that Chu Yunxi planted earlier are lush and green, and they grow very well. Not only the herbs, but also the peach blossoms floating in the air seem to be more colorful and fragrant. , even the Yuanli is much stronger.

She will cultivate here in the future, I am afraid that it will be faster and faster, and Chu Yunxi now knows why she cultivates so against the sky. It turns out that she is a descendant of the Nine-tailed Huoyunhu. I heard that the Nine-tailed Huoyunhu was born as a demon king , the body forms its own golden elixir, which is very powerful.

Although she is not a nine-tailed Huoyunhu, her blood must contain half of the blood. Because of this half of the blood, she can practice differently from ordinary people.

Chu Yunxi wanted to find a place to sit cross-legged and start practicing. Right now, she is at the level of a second-rank Martial Emperor, but the second-rank Martial Emperor must not be very powerful, and You Kai is taller than her, so she has to speed up. Advance, so that you can deal with those who are looking for trouble.

In the space, Chu Yunxi quickly entered the state of cultivation, and other people outside the space also practiced martial arts one by one, and all fell into their own cultivation.

On the outskirts of the Fenyan Mountain Range, You Kai and the others were still waiting for them to go out.

But time passed slowly, Chu Yunxi and others seemed to have disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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