The divine doctor and the veterinary concubine are super fierce

Chapter 1383 I'm afraid of being torn apart

Chapter 1383 I'm afraid of being torn apart

After Chu Yunxi finished speaking, she shot out quickly.

The next few people followed her and jumped out. If you say that when they came in before, they didn't dare to confront You Kui and others head-on, but if they meet You Kui again now, they will not be afraid of him.

But on the outskirts of the Fenyan Mountain Range, You Kai and the others had disappeared, and there was no one on the outskirts of the Mountain Range.

Standing on the outskirts of the mountain range, Chu Yunxi turned around and looked at the Fenyan Mountain Range, thinking silently, Yan Heng, I don’t know how long it will take you to refine your blood essence, but I’m going to the Ten Thousand Demon Forest first, don’t worry, I’ll be fine, I To help you take revenge, we all need to become stronger as soon as possible.

After she finished speaking, she turned around and left, followed by Ye Yuchen, Bai Zixuan and others.

A few people exerted their energy and went straight to the nearest teleportation formation in the Fenyan Mountain Range, all the way to the Ten Thousand Monster Forest.

Wan Yao Forest is one of the five most dangerous places in the Tianhuang Empire. The reason why Wan Yao Forest is dangerous is because there are many extremely powerful monsters inside. Many monsters have become ninth-level monsters, and some of them are even more powerful. the demon.

These monsters are the kings in the Ten Thousand Monster Forest, and each of them formed a faction to build their own kingdom, and they fought or fought happily all day long.

But even though these monsters fought fiercely with each other, they had a common goal, which was to hate people. If these monsters could come out, they might be able to kill most of the people in the Sky Phoenix Empire.

It's a pity that they can only be trapped in the Ten Thousand Demon Forest right now, but if someone enters the Ten Thousand Demon Forest, they will definitely be torn into pieces. It is precisely because of this that the Ten Thousand Demon Forest has become a world One of the five most dangerous places in the Phoenix Empire.

Although the Wanyao Forest is terrifying, Chu Yunxi is not afraid, because she has the soul body of the ancient mythical beast Huo Qilin in her body. Even if the Huo Qilin is only a soul body, the divine power is very powerful for monsters , he can suppress the blood of those monster beasts with a single divine power.

After all, it is not a beast of the same level, but Chu Yunxi is not afraid, but the guys behind her are full of anxiety.

They have heard of the ferocity of the monsters in the Wanyao Forest. They have heard that some people have broken the shackles of the Wanyao Forest and tried to enter the Wanyao Forest to catch a few monsters as pets. Never came out.

Later, people outside knew the cruelty inside the Wan Yao Forest, and finally no one dared to go in.

Ye Yuchen, Bai Zixuan and the others not only wanted to get the monster beast at the peak of the ninth level, but also feared that once they entered, they would not be able to get out.

Although the boss has a few big monsters in his hands, those big monsters are very powerful.

But those big monsters are soul bodies, and the power of the soul body is definitely not as good as the original strength. The monsters in the Ten Thousand Monster Forest are very powerful, not only powerful, but also have many keys.

If a few big monsters can't beat them, then wouldn't they go in and die.

Ye Yuchen, Bai Zixuan and the others turned paler as they thought about it, and finally Bai Zixuan said in a trembling voice: "Boss, we won't die if we go in."

Without saying a word, he forced himself to say calmly: "I'm not afraid of death, but I'm afraid of being torn apart by those monsters."

Just thinking about that picture is scary.

Chu Yunxi turned around and saw the slightly pale faces of the guys. She couldn't help laughing, who said that she would accompany her here.

Now that she was scared again, Chu Yunxi deliberately teased them.

"Actually, you don't need to go in, or you can just wait for me outside."

(End of this chapter)

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