Chapter 1387 Beast Tide
As soon as Chu Yunxi said, Xia Houzi and Luo Wuhen yelled, "We won't go out, we won't go out."

The pervert took the opportunity to hug Xia Houzi and said: "Beauty Zizi, let's not be afraid, I will protect you, I will protect you, if those bad guys dare to come, I will kill them."

Completely looking like a hero saving the beauty, others look speechless, everyone despises sex lions, you are not afraid of what you will do when you run into the circle.

But Xia Houzi hugged the colored lion's big neck with a moved face: "It's still Shishi who loves people."

The people around couldn't bear to look directly at the pair of bastards, Chu Yunxi just took the lead and sat down, and the others also sat down and meditated one after another.

Although there were no monsters around to trouble them, the roar of tigers and lions kept ringing in the distance, and they couldn't practice even if they wanted to. The last few people could only meditate.

Time passed slowly, and after a day and a night, Huohuo and the seven big monsters hadn't appeared yet, Chu Yunxi couldn't help worrying that there was nothing wrong with them.

As soon as she thought about it, she suddenly heard the earth-shattering and earth-shattering galloping sounds ahead, as if a wave of beasts were rushing towards this side.

Chu Yunxi, Ye Yuchen and Bai Zixuan's complexions changed slightly. Although they were currently staying in Huohuohua's circle, if the beast tide came, they still couldn't escape.

So Chu Yunxi and Ye Yuchen and Bai Zixuan were on alert, staring at the movement ahead.

I saw black monsters rushing towards them like a tide, and they arrived in front of them in the blink of an eye. Chu Yunxi swept towards Ye Yuchen and Bai Zixuan beside him and said, "We..."

Before she had time to say what she was leaving, wild and unrestrained curses suddenly sounded from the beast tide rushing ahead.

"Looking for death, do you want to run away?"

With a bang, a ninth-level monster was smashed to pieces with his palm, and the monsters around him ran even more fiercely when they saw this scene.

All of them seem to be chased by demons behind them.

Hearing Huo Huo's scolding, Chu Yunxi suddenly settled down, and led Ye Yuchen, Bai Zixuan and others to look ahead.

The fire unicorn in front saw Chu Yunxi from a distance, jumped over several times, and landed in front of Chu Yunxi in the blink of an eye. After he settled down, he turned around and raised his hands towards the large group of monsters behind him.


Those monsters that had been running wildly stopped all together, and stood in front of Chu Yunxi and the others in an orderly manner, like elementary school students.

Huo Qilin ignored them, but slowly turned around and looked at Chu Yunxi behind him.

Chu Yunxi narrowed his eyes and looked at the animal body in front of him. Compared with before, his appearance was three points better, tall and straight and handsome, and relatively thinner, but he destroyed this handsome appearance when he opened his mouth.

"Haha, Xiao Yunyun, how are you doing? Are you satisfied with the animal body I found?"

Huo Qilin is a qilin of the fire family, so his voice is loud and sonorous, and his personality is extremely hot. Although he has found a new animal body now, his original personality has not changed at all.

Chu Yunxi looked at Huo Qilin and said speechlessly: "I appreciate you more if you don't talk..."

After she finished speaking, Huo Qilin gave Huo Qilin a look.

Huo Qilin was not angry either, he opened his arms and gave Chu Yunxi a bear hug.

"Come on, little Yunyun, give me a hug."

He originally thought that he could only survive in the state of scattered soul body all his life, but he never thought that one day he would be able to condense his soul successfully, and he could also find a new body. Although the strength of this new body is very weak, he will become stronger.

(End of this chapter)

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