Chapter 1389 We Will Follow You

Ye Yuchen and Bai Zixuan naturally also heard the words of these monsters. They were not angry. If they followed their normal cultivation, it would be impossible to subdue the ninth-level monsters. Even if they were eighth-level monsters, they would have to treat them peacefully. to make it work.

So these monsters are unwilling to recognize their masters, and they are also psychologically prepared.

Beside Ye Yuchen and others, Chu Yunxi's face was very ugly when he heard the words of these monsters.

She cleared her cough, and all the monsters below stopped looking at her.

Chu Yunxi said in a deep voice: "It seems that you have forgotten where you are? This is the Ten Thousand Demon Forest, and the demons who stay in the Ten Thousand Demon Forest will not be able to leave the Ten Thousand Demon Forest until they die. My partners like it, so you can leave Wanyao Forest and go to the outside world to see it. Also, my partners' current cultivation is a little lower, but they are still so young, and their future abilities will definitely be higher. Unlimited, did you feel wronged by following them?"

In front, all the monsters were stunned, and it took a long time for someone to react.

"God, you can come out of the Ten Thousand Demon Forest"

"I never thought that one day I would be able to leave the Ten Thousand Demon Forest."

The monsters actually yearn for the outside world very much. In the Ten Thousand Monster Forest, they fight and fight all day long, and the reason why they fight and fight is because they are too bored.

If I could go out, I would be excited just thinking about it.

What's more, Miss Yunyun's words are not wrong. Her partners are still very young now, and they will definitely become the overlord in time. At that time, what grievances do they have.

Thinking of this, a monster below shouted: "Miss Yunyun, we are willing to give them pets."

"Yes, we would."

"We will."

More and more monsters screamed, Chu Yunxi nodded in satisfaction, turned to look at Ye Yuchen and the others: "Go down and choose a monster you like."

After she finished speaking, she lowered her voice and said, "You just need to choose a ninth-level monster."

The demon's ability is too great. Even if he surrenders now, he may not be willing to be a slave after he goes out. When the time comes, the slave will bully the master, and it will be Ye Yuchen and others who will suffer.

Ye Yuchen and the others believed Chu Yunxi's words, and immediately nodded in agreement.

A few people started to go down and choose the monster that suits them.

Soon several people made their selections, and what they selected was exactly as they said before.

Ye Yuchen chose a snake, Bai Zixuan chose a leopard, Luo Wuhen chose a tiger, and Xia Houzi chose a cute and cute fox.

They also chose ninth-level monsters, and they all seemed to follow them willingly.

Chu Yunxi nodded in satisfaction, and Huo Qilin looked at her and said, "Xiao Yunyun, do you think there is someone you like, and if you like it, you can take it together, so it can be used in the future."

Chu Yunxi was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously wanted to shake her head.

Because beside her was the fire unicorn, seven big monsters, and mutant beasts, the yellow-haired golden lion and the flying silver wolf, so she didn't need to pick any more monsters.

But as soon as Huo Qilin finished speaking, the monsters below shouted collectively.

"Miss Yunyun, we are willing to follow you."

"We would like to follow you."

"You take us with you."

Compared with Ye Yuchen, Bai Zixuan and others, these monsters are more willing to follow Chu Yunxi. First, Chu Yunxi is Lord Qilin's younger sister, and they have a better future following her. Second, they feel from Chu Yunxi. Due to the closeness of blood, although she is alone, she has a demonic aura on her body, and this aura is still the kind that makes them follow willingly.

(End of this chapter)

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