Chapter 1402
The more Shen Yuqing thought about it, the more sad she became, and finally burst into tears.

Apart from her crying, there was no other sound in the room, and Chu Yunxi forgot to speak. She was shocked that the death of Xia Houqian back then involved the monsters and demons. She thought of her mother's family being killed by wolves Chu Yunxi now has a general idea about the killing of the king.

The Wolf King brought his clansmen and some of the monster clansmen who followed them into the Heavenly Phoenix Empire together with the demon clansmen. These people joined hands to kill the former prince Xia Hougan and all his subordinates. In the end, these people probably joined forces to kill After losing the former emperor, Xia Houxuan took the position smoothly, and even publicized that the former emperor died of illness because he missed his son.

Later, Xia Houxuan strengthened his power, led people to sneak into the demon world quietly, and helped the wolf king get rid of the nine-tailed phoenix and cloud fox clan. In this way, they got their wish.

Thinking of this, Chu Yunxi became angry suddenly. She did not expect that she would inadvertently learn about the extermination of Nine-Tails Huoyunwei from the matter of the former prince. Well, it is really great.

She will not let Xia Houxuan and Miao Haitang go, nor will she let go of the wolf king of the Yaozu.

One person in the room was crying, and the other was thinking deeply.

Suddenly there was a bang outside the house.

Shen Yuqing's face changed, and he dodged and shot out of the house.

This matter is a secret matter, if someone finds out, it will be troublesome.

However, as soon as she opened the door, she saw two people outside the door watching with tears streaming down their faces, and at their feet was a broken blue and white porcelain bowl with chopped green onion and egg noodles.

Shen Yuqing knew at a glance that the two disciples wanted to get close to Chu Yunxi, so she personally made green onion egg noodles and came over, but she didn't expect to hear their conversation.

And they were only concerned about being sad before, so they didn't prevent someone from coming.

Shen Yuqing pulled the two people outside the house in.

These two people are Xing Xia and Liang Yushi who are inferior to Xiao Mu and others in Qixing sect.

At this moment, the two of them looked at Shen Yuqing with red and swollen eyes.

"Sovereign, it's not that we are inferior to others, but because someone wants to kill us, that's why we are like this."

As members of the Heavenly Phoenix Empire, Xing Xia and Liang Yushi knew what the former crown prince Xia Hou did, and also knew about Feng Yuwei's deeds.

Back then, the Fengyu were astonishing, and every single one of them was enough to make people envious, but now, they are so unbearable.

Xing Xia raised his hand and punched the wall fiercely, because she didn't use Yuanli, so blood came out from one fist.

Shen Yuqing felt distressed when she saw it, reached out to take her hand, and blamed: "What are you doing, kid?"

Xing Xia looked up at Shen Yuqing: "Sect Master, I am not reconciled, I am not reconciled to this."

Liang Yushi also nodded unwillingly from behind: "Yes, we are not reconciled, we are the descendants of Feng Yu, why do we live in such a poor way, and our cultivation base is so unbearable."

Liang Yushi cried again as he spoke, thinking about the excellence of his parents, and thinking about himself, he felt ashamed for his parents.

Shen Yuqing looked at Xing Xia and Liang Yushi and said: "Okay, don't be sad, you are lucky to be alive, don't be sad, don't be sad."

Chu Yunxi came over and looked at them. Although their Yuanli cultivation was not very good, if they were well cultivated, they would be quite a force, and they were the descendants of Feng Yu, so she should help them.

(End of this chapter)

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