Chapter 1412 Uncontrollable Heartbeat
Chu Yunxi chuckled, there was no surprise, it was true that he was shocked.

But she didn't say it out, looked at Xia Houjin and said, "Then which of the five peaks are you at right now?"

"Jianfeng," Xia Houjin stretched out his hand to shake Chu Yunxi and said, "Miss Chu Yunxi, please take care of me in the future."

Chu Yunxi was amused by him: "It's easy to say."

Xia Houjin also chuckled cheerfully, her brows and eyes sparkling beautifully.

This kind of him attracted many people around to murmur: "God, who is that man, he looks really handsome."

"It's good-looking, but does our sect have such good-looking disciples? Why don't I know."

"I heard that some exchange students from Baiyun Sect came here today. This person should be an exchange student from Baiyun Sect."

"Then how did he know Chu Yunxi?"

"Who knows, by the way, have you heard? Didn't You Wei sue Chu Yunxi and Bai Zixuan before? He said they robbed them, but it turned out that You Kai wanted to rob Chu Yunxi and the others , It’s all right now, You Kai and others have been sent to the Law Enforcement Hall to be punished.”

"Chu Yunxi and the others actually got the treasure in the Shenfu, so they must be very powerful now."

The people around were talking lively, Xia Houjin ignored it, he just looked at Chu Yunxi softly and said, "Are you okay in the Shenfu before?"

Chu Yunxi shook his head: "It's okay, by the way, do you have something to do now? If you have something to do, go and do it, I'm going to the outer door."

"It's okay, just to accompany you to the outer door."

The two left while talking, and a bunch of discussions rang out again.

"That man is really handsome, but it's a pity that he's a little cold."

"Why is it cold? Look at how kind he is to Chu Yunxi. When he looks at Chu Yunxi, there seems to be a soft light in his eyes."

"By the way, could this person be Chu Yunxi's fiancé or something?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? He is Xia Houjin, the son of King Hui. How could he be Chu Yunxi's fiancé?"

Someone in the crowd recognized Xia Houjin's identity and said angrily.

As soon as the man finished speaking, a bunch of people around him said in surprise, "Young Prince Hui, didn't you say that Prince Hui was injured by a demon before and broke his legs? And I have never heard that Prince Hui is so good-looking." .”

"This Prince Hui's son is not the original Prince Hui's son. The previous prince had all broken legs. Can he be the prince? I heard that this one was hidden outside and was not taken back to Prince Hui's mansion until recently."

After the speaker finished speaking, he ignored the person beside him and walked away.

The woman behind muttered again.

Xia Houjin ignored the people who were talking behind him, and shot towards the outer door while talking with Chu Yunxi.

"Yun Xi, what are you doing at the outer door?"

"Before I was able to enter the Heavenly Phoenix Empire, I was able to enter the Seven Star Sect. This time, five or six people from the Seven Star Sect have entered the martial arts competition of the Heavenly Phoenix Empire. It's just that they are at the outer gate. I'll go see them and give them something."

Xia Houjin's attention was not on those people in the outer door, he was thinking about Yan Heng's affairs.

"Yun Xi, do you have any news about Yan Heng?"

Chu Yunxi turned around and glanced at Xia Houjin, then shook her head.

She couldn't tell Xia Houjin that Yan Heng was Xia Houming, it was too important.

After hearing what Chu Yunxi said, Xia Houjin's heart beat faster uncontrollably. He knew it was wrong for him to do so, but he couldn't control his heart. He wanted to gamble when Yan Heng was not around, but this For once, he will not use any improper means to make Yun Xi hate him.

(End of this chapter)

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