Chapter 1414 Each person has a monster

As soon as Xia Houjin opened his mouth, Xiao Mu, Gong Ranye and others became interested.

"Little Junior Sister, what do you want to give us?"

Chu Yunxi glanced at the people in front of him with a smile and said, "Jiang Yao and Chen Feiyang are the three of them."

"Before we agreed to inquire about your news, so we split up."

"Then go out and look for them. I brought something for each of you. Now that they haven't come, it's not good to give it to you first. Let's find them together."

Xiao Mugong Ranye, Long Yuan and the others didn't say much. They got along well with Jiang Yao, Chen Feiyang and Hu Ya recently.

Xiao Mu and Gong Ranye walked out of the small courtyard, but they came back quickly.

Because in the middle of the road, I happened to meet Jiang Yao, Chen Feiyang and Hu Ya.

The three rushed back to tell Xiao Mu and Gong Ranye because they had heard about Chu Yunxi.

I didn't expect to hear them say that Chu Yunxi is where they live right now, Jiang Yao, Chen Feiyang and Hu Ya are quite happy.

A group of people walked into the small courtyard while talking.

When Jiang Yao, Chen Feiyang and Hu Ya saw Chu Yunxi, they raised their hands and said hello.

"You are back, we are all worried to death."

Chu Yunxi smiled lightly: "I'm worrying you, but I'm fine, so don't worry."

"It's okay, it's okay."

Chu Yunxi glanced at the few people in the hall and said: "This time I went to the Fenyan Mountain Range, and for some reason, I went to the Wanyao Forest. I brought back a ninth-level monster from the Wanyao Forest for each of you. With the ninth-level monster as an auxiliary attack, when you face the enemy again, you will get twice the result with half the effort."

"What, a ninth-level monster?"

"Ninth-level monsters, one for each person."

Several people in the hall were dumbfounded, thinking that this was so dreamy.

Ninth-level monsters are very rare. Except for the Ten Thousand Monster Forest, it is impossible for so many ninth-level monsters to appear in other places.

It's just that the Ten Thousand Demon Forest is an extremely dangerous place, how dare the junior sister enter the Ten Thousand Demon Forest, and the ninth-level monsters are very difficult to tame, how did she tame those guys.

Everyone was thinking lively, when Chu Yunxi raised his hand, eight ninth-level monsters landed on the ground.

After they landed, they stretched their bodies, and called out respectfully to Chu Yunxi, "I've seen the princess."

With the black line on Chu Yunxi's face, everyone in the hall was so surprised that they couldn't speak.

Why do these ninth-level monsters treat Yun Xi so respectfully and call her a princess.

Xiao Mu stared blankly at these ninth-level monsters and asked Chu Yunxi, "Little Junior Sister, why do they call you Princess?"

Chu Yunxi didn't want people to know that she was a descendant of the Nine-Tailed Huoyunhu for the time being, so she said with a smile, "Maybe they see that I'm cute."

When the ninth-level monster heard it, did the princess not want people to know her identity?
That's right, right now the princess's identity should not be known to others, so they immediately turned to look at Xiao Mu, Gong Ranye and the others and said.

"Yeah, we saw that the princess is cute, so we decided to call her that. Is there anything wrong?"


"We can't call her by her first name, so we named her Princess."

Xiao Mu, Gong Ranye and the others would never have thought that Chu Yunxi was a descendant of the Huoyunhu, a demon clan, so they just assumed that this was really a name given to her by several monsters.

"Not bad, this name sounds nice."

"Yeah, it sounds good."

(End of this chapter)

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