Chapter 1419 This is to humiliate her

Chu Yunxi planned to enter the space again to refine the medicinal solution, but before she could enter the space, she saw the squirrel coming out of the ground in the yard. As soon as he appeared, he looked at Chu Yunxi and said, "Princess, I found out Something against you?"

Chu Yunxi sent Zhan Tianshu to investigate the matter of the peak master of Jianfeng, so after hearing what he said, he immediately looked at him: "What's the matter?"

"Earlier, I was lying in ambush where the Lord of Jianfeng was, and I heard a person discussing things with him. The man called him Dad, and asked when the Lord of Jianfeng would catch the princess and make her his furnace?"


Violent anger surged from Chu Yunxi's body. If a woman is reduced to a furnace, she will die. But she didn't expect someone to hit her on the head. How could she become someone else's yin and yang? Yang's cultivation furnace was broken, but just thinking about it made her feel sick.

The more Chu Yunxi thought about it, the more unsightly her face became. She looked at Zhan Tianshu and asked in a deep voice: "Then who is talking to the Lord Jianfeng?"

Chu Yunxi frowned. She had never heard anyone say that the master of Jianfeng has a son, and it seems that he has no family members. Not only him, but the masters of the five major peaks seem to have no family members. What is the matter with the master of Jianfeng now? One popped up.

"I didn't see that person's appearance, but I heard that the master of Jianfeng called that person's name, it seems to be Shen Yang."

"Shen Yang? Su Chenyang."

Chu Yunxi's face turned cold. She never dreamed that that shameless and shameless man wanted her to be his furnace. Apart from using her to cultivate his own energy, he even wanted to humiliate her. her.

She had dismissed him before, but now she has become his crate.

But Chu Yunxi just wanted to say that this scumbag really thinks too much, and she will definitely not let this man go now, she will definitely make his life worse than death.

Chu Yunxi clenched his fingers while thinking about it, looked at Zhan Tianshu and said, "Did they say how to attack me?"

"They didn't say this, the master of Jianfeng only said to leave it to him, and asked the person who spoke not to interfere in this matter."

After Zhan Tianshu finished speaking, he suddenly thought of a question: "I also heard that the master of Jianfeng complained about his son. If he hadn't been cowardly, he would not have been seized by others and threatened. Now he has to attack the princess."

Chu Yunxi's eyebrows twitched when the words of the Zhan Tianshu fell. At first, she thought it was Su Chenyang who wanted to humiliate her, but now it seems that the reason why the Lord Jianfeng took action against her was because someone coerced him, and that person was holding a sword. Master Feng's son threatened him.

After thinking about it seriously, Chu Yunxi became clear-headed. It seems that the leaders of the Tianqing Sect are not allowed to marry wives and have children. This must be the rule set by the emperor for them. Now there is an extra leader of Jianfeng Peak. Son, this person has caught the handle, and now that person is threatening the Lord Jianfeng with this, and must get rid of her.

Chu Yunxi thought about who wanted her life.

Besides Su Chenyang, she still has two enemies in the inner sect, You Kai and Han Teng, but these two people can't threaten Lord Jianfeng. If they threaten Lord Jianfeng with this matter, there is only one dead end. Lord Fengfeng will definitely kill them.

If not them, then who?This person must be very powerful, even the master of Jianfeng is afraid, who is this person?
By the way, this person must be related to the royal family, he is the kind of person who can report to the emperor at any time, that's why the Lord Jianfeng is afraid.

But after thinking about it, Chu Yunxi still couldn't think of such a person.

In the end, she didn't want to think about it at all. She looked at the squirrel and ordered: "You keep an eye on it for me, and report to me immediately if there is any situation."

(End of this chapter)

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