Chapter 1423: Hot Goods

Many people muttered.

"I didn't expect Feng Yao to be so good-looking. She was black and thin before, and she was really inconspicuous. Now that she has turned white, she is like a charming beauty. I really can't see how fierce she is when she beats people." .”

"One white covers three ugliness. There is nothing wrong with saying that. Feng Yao was really ugly when she was dark before. Now, this whiteness immediately becomes a beauty."

In front of Chu Yunxi's booth, many people started to discuss that although Feng Yao couldn't see her face, she could still see the hand in front of her, which was white and long, and her fingers were as slender as jade. Feng Yao was overjoyed when she saw it.

At this moment, she fell in love with her hands, what a pair of beautiful hands, presumably her face is also beautiful.

Feng Yao rushed to Chu Yunxi happily: "Thank you, thank you so much, my name is Feng Yao, if you encounter trouble in the inner sect of Tianqing Sect, you can find me, and I will definitely help you .”

After Feng Yao finished speaking, she turned around and left: "I have to go and see what has become of me?"

She ran a few steps away, then stopped and turned to look at Chu Yunxi: "What's your name?"

"Chu Yunxi."

Feng Yao raised her eyebrows in surprise, is this the most influential figure in Tianqing Sect's inner sect recently?Looking at her appearance, I can't see her cruelty at all.

Feng Yao thought about turning around and ran away. After seeing Feng Yao leave, Chu Yunxi turned around and asked the people around him, "Who is Feng Yao?"

Now everyone looked at her in surprise, this woman didn't even know Feng Yao.

Someone in the crowd said: "You don't even recognize Feng Yao, who is third on the Tianqing Sect's Top Ranking, how did you get away with it?"

"Feng Yao was a prominent figure in Tianqingzong before you came. Now that you are here, she will give way."

After the man finished speaking, the people around laughed.

Chu Yunxi raised her eyebrows. She had a good impression of Feng Yao. While thinking about it, she looked at the people surrounding her booth and said, "If you want to buy, you can buy it. If you don't want to buy it, get out of the way quickly. Don't affect my business."

The five poisonous scorpions also took the opportunity to advertise: "Before you saw how beautiful such an ugly woman became after taking our beauty lotion. Don't miss it when you pass by. Today's discount is doubled tomorrow. "

After the words of the five poisonous scorpions, the people who had been watching stretched out many hands at once: "I want it, I want it."

"I'm going to buy a bottle for someone I like."

"I want it too. Otherwise, if she knew, she would definitely ignore me."

"Go away, you men, let us women handle this matter."

Chu Yunxi's Nourishing Essence was sold out before even a stick of incense was available, and many people just took it after buying it.

Soon there was an exclamation from the crowd: "God, this beauty lotion is really powerful."

Someone didn't buy it, so he rushed over and asked Chu Yunxi, "Is there any? Is there any more?"

Chu Yunxi shook his head and said, "We only sell [-] copies today, we can talk about it tomorrow, and if you want to buy it, you can find me tomorrow, but starting tomorrow, the amount of nourishing lotion will be doubled."

After she finished speaking, she got up and left, and the five poisonous scorpions behind her twisted their waists enchantingly and followed her away. As she walked, she winked at those men: "Brothers, I'm leaving, let's have a heart-to-heart talk when you have time." .”

The words of the five poisonous scorpions made those men feel as if they had been spat with chicken blood, and all of them discussed with each other excitedly.

"Who is that woman next to Chu Yunxi? Why have I never seen it before?"

"This woman is a bit mysterious. There may be someone behind her. You can see that as soon as she entered Tianqingzong, she made all kinds of noises, but in the end nothing happened."

(End of this chapter)

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