Chapter 1427

The master of Jianfeng on the opposite side immediately changed his expression after hearing Chu Yunxi's words. He gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice, "What do you want? You killed my son, and I will definitely tear your body to pieces."

Chu Yunxi ignored him, but looked at the Lord Jianfeng and asked, "Tell me, who ordered you to deal with me, and who is that person?"

The master of Jianfeng froze for a moment, how did Chu Yunxi know?Could it be what his son said.

Lord Jianfeng didn't hide anything from Chu Yunxi, and said in a deep voice, "Who told you to get close to King Su? Princess Su Qi Wei ordered me to kill you. Otherwise, I might not touch you."

The Lord of Jianfeng was right about this point, if not for Queen Su Qi Wei, he would never have touched Chu Yunxi.

Even if his son persuaded him, he would not pay attention to him, because Chu Yunxi's abilities are very good, and it would be very troublesome to touch her rashly.

But later Su Wangfei Qi Wei caught his handle, so he could not retreat, he could only advance.

When Chu Yunxi heard the words of Lord Jianfeng, her expression turned ugly. She never imagined that it was Princess Su Qi Wei who made Lord Jianfeng kill her.

She and Qi Wei have never met before, how could Qi Wei know that she had an intersection with Yan Heng, who leaked her.

Chu Yunxi didn't care to think about it, looked at the master of Jianfeng and said, "Where did you take Xiao Lan'er and Xiao Mo'er? Bring them to me immediately."

After Chu Yunxi finished speaking, the master of Jianfeng raised his eyebrows, and immediately said, "I'll have someone bring them in and hand them over to you. How about you hand over my son to me?"

Chu Yunxi agreed, not daring to be careless and staring at the opposite peak master Jianfeng.

In fact, the two of them knew very well that either Chu Yunxi was dead or the Lord Jianfeng was dead.

The Lord of Jianfeng didn't think he would die, so Chu Yunxi must die.

As the master of Jianfeng Peak, although he has not reached the level of Wu Zun right now, he has reached the level of martial emperor of level nine.

No matter how powerful Chu Yunxi is, could he still be stronger than him.

So Master Jianfeng didn't think he would die.

Chu Yunxi secretly planned that after Xiao Lan'er and Xiao Mo'er were brought over later, she would use the Huo Huo, the big demon and the demon in the space to kill Su Chenyang and the master of Jianfeng in one fell swoop, and then Let the jade-faced fox transform into the master of Jianfeng and stay in Tianqingzong. In this way, Tianqingzong and the others are hiding a dark force.

Chu Yunxi had a good plan, but the peak master of Jianfeng is not someone who has a reputation for nothing.

When he sent someone in with his subordinates, he immediately cast a look at the subordinates.

His subordinates dodged to attack Chu Yunxi's back. Before Chu Yunxi had time to kill Huohuo, he turned around and fought back.

Because she was carrying Su Chenyang in her hand, her speed was much slower, but if she put Su Chenyang down, this person would be snatched away by the Lord Jianfeng.

Then she has no chips in her hand.

Chu Yunxi dragged Su Chenyang, while dealing with that subordinate, while guarding against the sneak attack of the master of Jianfeng behind him.

The master of Jianfeng seized this opportunity. Seeing that his subordinates were dragging Chu Yunxi, he dodged and went straight to Chu Yunxi, and slapped Chu Yunxi hard on the back.

Chu Yunxi's heart sank, she quickly opened the space, and wanted to order Huohuo and others to come out to help her, but she hadn't had time to give the order.

The peak master of Jianfeng who was attacking him behind him suddenly yelled, and his body was blown away. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(End of this chapter)

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