Chapter 1429

Thinking of this, the Lord Jianfeng was extremely jealous. He secretly decided that as long as he escaped, he would go to the palace immediately to see the emperor, and fan the flames in front of the emperor, so that the emperor would be jealous of Xia Houming, and thus take action to destroy himself. a son.

You must know that Dijun is still very young, and he absolutely does not want his son to have a strong master, that would be a threat to him.

The master of Jianfeng Peak was making wishful thinking when he suddenly heard a heart-piercing scream from behind him.

"Ah ah ah."

This was the cry of his son. Master Jianfeng subconsciously turned his head and saw Chu Yunxi stabbing his son's shoulder fiercely with his sword.

The son who had passed out from a coma immediately cried out in agony.

He moaned in pain: "No, don't do this to me."

Seeing all this, the Lord Jianfeng's blood flowed backwards, his eyes turned red subconsciously, he gritted his teeth and cursed angrily: "Chu Yunxi, you wait for me, I will not let you go, the crime my son suffered today , I will return it a thousand times and a hundred times in the future.”

He turned around and left after saying that, but unfortunately he couldn't move, he subconsciously turned around and saw Yan Heng pulling his collar.

The master of Jianfeng's face changed suddenly, and he raised his hand and blasted him.

Yan Heng raised his hand to meet him, but the master of Jianfeng didn't dare to confront him head on.

It's a pity that Yan Heng had already guarded against his move, so as soon as he rushed out, he blocked his way even faster. .

Chu Yunxi's voice sounded from behind at the right time: "Peak Master Cui, are you sure you don't care about your son? Didn't you say earlier that you wanted me to be your son's cultivation furnace? Why don't you even want your son now."

After Chu Yunxi finished speaking, he drew out his sword fiercely, and pierced Su Shenyang's body again.

Although she stabbed with a sword, she didn't pierce Su Chenyang's heart, so he couldn't die for a while.

Su Chenyang trembled, feeling that life would be worse than death, and in the end he only wanted to die.

"Please, let me die, let me die."

Now he regretted it, regretted thinking about Chu Yunxi that he shouldn't have, and now he only wanted to die.

In the grand formation, Yan Heng was furious after hearing Chu Yunxi's words. When he thought of what Xi'er said just now, the Lord of Jianfeng wanted her to be his son's stove, he was so furious that he wanted to kill someone.

Yan Heng smiled, with a dark smile on the corner of his mouth, like the King of Hades in hell.

The Lord Jianfeng was frightened, he struggled to speak: "No, it's not me, it's Princess Su, it's Princess Su who forced me to do this."

Yan Heng listened to the words of the master of Jianfeng Peak, and his black pupils shot out a murderous murderous aura.

The princess in his name?It seems that she thinks her life is too long.

The bloody smile on the corner of Yan Heng's mouth widened, he raised his hand and slammed at the body of Master Jianfeng, the face of Master Jianfeng changed drastically, he tried his best to break free from the restraints on his body, and raised his hand to meet Yan Heng.

The Lord Jianfeng also knew at this moment that it was impossible for him to let King Su let go today, so the only way to fight to the death might be to get a glimmer of life.

It's just that although the master of Jianfeng wanted to fight, Chu Yunxi stabbed his son from time to time behind him, and the painful screams of his son tortured the master of Jianfeng for life.

In the end, he had to close his five senses and concentrate on fighting Yan Heng.

Seeing that the master of Jianfeng closed the five senses, Chu Yunxi also knew that Su Chenyang in her hand was useless. She looked at Su Chenyang who looked like a bloody man under her feet with a sneer, and said mockingly: "It seems that you It’s not as important as imagined.”

As soon as she said that, a sword pierced Su Chenyang's heart fiercely.

(End of this chapter)

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