Chapter 1436 Hiding
Chu Yunxi quickly finished writing the letter, and as soon as she looked up, she saw that there was another person in the room, the master of Jianfeng.

Seeing the master of Jianfeng Chu Yunxi for the first time, he was subconsciously startled, and then he remembered that the master of Jianfeng was an illusion of a jade-faced fox, but even so, Chu Yunxi still hated seeing this face.

She flashed the letter into the hands of the jade-faced fox and said, "Go to Linmo according to the letter I wrote, and remember not to make any mistakes. In addition, you secretly send a confidant to Zhangcheng to speak to the head of the Su family. , just say that it was a woman who sent Su Chenyang to the Su family for foster care."

The jade-faced fox immediately responded respectfully: "Yes, princess."

Chu Yunxi squinted at the jade-faced fox and said, "Remember, don't ruin the errand for me. If the errand is done well, I will give you a lot of rewards in the future. I won't treat you badly, and I will find a way to make you feel better." You have cultivated to the level of a great demon."

The jade-faced fox was overjoyed when he heard that: "Thank you, princess."

To be honest, although she lives in the human world, her greatest wish is to return to the demon world. As a demon who has lived in the human world, if she returns to the demon world, the people in the demon world will not accept her existence, but if If the princess goes out, this matter will not be a problem. If she cultivates into a great demon again, and returns to the demon world in the future, she will definitely be able to feel like a fish in water.

The jade-faced fox was a little excited, and said seriously: "Princess, don't worry, I will finish the princess's work well."

Chu Yunxi nodded in satisfaction, and raised his hand to summon two of the seven big monsters in the space.

"Niumang, Bingyan."

Two big monsters flashed out and appeared in front of Chu Yunxi.


"The two of you follow the jade-faced fox and cooperate with her actions. You must guard the mission of the master of Jianfeng, and don't make any mistakes."

Niu Mang and Bing Yan immediately responded respectfully: "Yes, princess."

"Okay, go on your own."

The three dodged and walked out, and quickly left the small courtyard where Chu Yunxi lived.

After the three of them left, Lu Yu cautiously opened the door and poked his head in: "Princess, may I come in?"

Chu Yunxi nodded to signal her to come in, and Lu Yu asked concerned after entering, "Princess, what about Xiao Lan'er and Xiao Mo'er."

"The two of them were sent to practice by me. If they stay here, if they are arrested again, I may not be able to save them in time."

Lu Yu breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately those two little guys are fine, otherwise she would have to blame herself to death.

Chu Yunxi looked at Lu Yu and said, "Xiao Lan'er and Xiao Mo'er are gone, from now on you will stay in this small courtyard and take care of my daily needs."

"Yes, princess."

Lu Yu nodded happily, she was really happy to be able to serve the princess.

She is also useful, Lu Yu's little face is beaming.

Outside the door, the gopher pushed the door and came in: "Princess, the master of Jianfeng is dead, so what should I do next?"

Chu Yunxi glanced at the gopher and said, "You don't need to enter the space, stay in this small courtyard with Lu Yu, and go out to find out news when you have time, and if you have any valuable news, report it to me immediately."

"Yes, princess."

The gopher responded respectfully, but Chu Yunxi was a little tired, mainly because her waist was sore and her legs were weak. She and Yan Heng had been too entangled in the big formation before, which made her legs weak now.

Chu Yunxi waved Lu Yu and Tianji out, and went to bed for a while.

On the other side, the jade-faced fox read the letter Chu Yunxi had written before, and finally sent the capable subordinates of the master of Jianfeng to rush into the palace, and then she sent another confidant to go out of the sky quietly. Qing Zong rushed to Zhangcheng from another teleportation formation, and sent a letter to the head of the Su family in Zhangcheng. After finishing these, she decisively entered the cliff of regret.

(End of this chapter)

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