Chapter 1454 I Can Take You Out
The boss of Youlan Village, named Yuchi, everyone calls him Boss Wei. Yuchi has a very scary appearance, a long scar on his face, and a very cruel personality, but he is not bad at heart. The people of Youlan Village Basically he saved him.

In the end, he met Leng Zongyou, who was proficient in formations, so he teamed up with him to build Youlan Village and cast a formation outside the village.

Ordinary people will not find their place.

Now Yuchi and Leng Zongyou treat Chu Yunxi very well, treating her as their own.

So when Chu Yunxi said that he had something to tell everyone, the whole village came. Even though it was a village, there were only about thirty people.

There were originally fifty or sixty people, but those people were killed later. Although they were heartbroken, in a place like the Black Pool Wasteland, death is nothing more than a normal thing.

In the main hall where Leng Zongyou lived, everyone looked at Chu Yunxi together, not knowing why she summoned them.

Chu Yunxi glanced at the people next to him and said: "I have lived in Youlan Village for half a month, and I already have a preliminary understanding of your character, and know that you are not some treacherous and evil people. That being the case, now I give you a chance."

She stopped talking, and the people next to her didn't know what she meant.

Leng Zongyou frowned and looked at her: "Chu Yun, just say what you have to say, don't beat around the bush, we don't understand."

They have stayed in the Black Pool Wasteland for a long time, and they are not used to the people outside talking around the bush, so they speak directly when they have something to say.

Chu Yunxi smiled and said, "I mean, I can take you out."

After she finished speaking, the room was silent, and everyone looked at each other without responding.

Then someone asked the people around him: "What does Chu Yun mean by that?"

"He said take us out."

"Is going out to leave the Black Pool Wilderness?"

"It seems to mean that."

"No, I don't believe it. No one has ever been able to leave the Black Zee Wasteland. No, if they leave, they will not be able to live."

Someone woke up and looked at Chu Yunxi who was above him and said, "We won't be able to live if we leave here."

Chu Yunzhuxi glanced at that person and said, "Didn't I say that I am a medical saint?"

Leng Zongyou's eyebrows twitched. Although they had always believed that Chu Yunxi was a doctor, they did not believe that she was a medical saint. However, in the past half a month, they also knew that this person kept his word.

So when she said she was a medical saint, she was really a medical saint. If she was a medical saint, did it mean that she could cure them of the poison in the Black Pool Wasteland?

"You mean you can detoxify us."

Chu Yunxi nodded: "Yes, that's what I mean. I have a way to cure the poison in the Black Pool Wasteland. Don't you guys find that I am not poisoned?"

The poison in the Black Pool Wasteland cannot be cured by others, but she has no problem.

Because the books that Huo Huo gave her before contained many antidote ancient prescriptions, so the poison in the Black Pool Wasteland could not trouble her at all.

The poison in the Black Pool Wasteland is actually not a powerful poison. The difficulty of this poison is that the poison recipe is something that has been lost for a long time. Others can't solve it, but Chu Yunxi can.

After Chu Yunxi finished speaking, there was a cry of surprise, everyone was very excited.

"God, really, we can go out."

"We can go out."

Jiang Xuan is the person who has had the best time with Chu Yunxi these days. He was excited at first, and then his whole body burst into anger: "Chu Yun, can we really go out? If we can, I want to kill those murderers my guy."

In the past, he just forbeared, thinking that forbearance could reduce troubles, but now he knows that forbearance will not let the wicked let him go, it will only make them worse, thinking that he is easy to bully.

(End of this chapter)

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