Chapter 1465 Look down on women

As soon as Yan Heng finished speaking, many people in the main hall below murmured, discussing whether to leave or stay.

Those who have a grudge can't wait to leave here immediately, but those who don't have a grudge are in no hurry.

Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi smiled at each other, and didn't pay much attention to the discussion below.

Just when everyone was discussing enthusiastically, someone from outside the conference hall rushed in to report: "My lord, the owner of Tianxiang City is asking to see you."

Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi looked at each other and then raised their eyebrows. Yan Heng ordered the subordinates below: "Go and ask the Lord of Tianxiang City to come in."

The subordinates hurried out and quickly invited the city lord of Tianxiang City to come over.

The Lord of Tianxiang City is a thin old man, but even though he is thin, the majesty of his gestures is not to be underestimated.

As soon as he came in, Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi politely got up and asked him to sit down.

Tianxiang City, the largest force in the Black Zee Wasteland, has a remarkable style of conduct. Because of this, Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi are somewhat polite to the old man in front of them. If he is like a one-eyed dragon Cruel, cruel and unscrupulous, how could they let him enter Xianyu Peak.

"I don't know why the city lord came to my Xianyu Peak?"

Yan Heng looked at the old man at the bottom, and asked politely.

He really couldn't figure out the purpose of the city lord of Tianxiang City, Sima, coming to Xianyu Peak.

The lower leader, Ma Hong, raised his eyebrows and squinted at the upper leader, Yan Heng. A sharp light flashed in his small eyes. This sharp light did not escape Chu Yunxi's eyes. This person seemed to have something important to Yan Heng. Known hostility?

A murderous look flashed across Chu Yunxi's eyes. If Sima Hong dared to harm Yan Heng, she would not spare him.

So what if Sima is a master of Wu Zun rank?
Chu Yunxi was thinking, and Sima Hong, who was at the bottom, said, "My lord, can these people go down first? I have something to talk to my lord alone."

After Sima Hong spoke, Yan Heng raised his hand and waved, and Yuchi, Leng Zongyou and others in the conference hall retreated.

When there was no one in the main hall, Yan Heng signaled Sima Hong to speak up if he had something to say.

Sima Hong didn't say anything, and glanced at Chu Yunxi who was beside Yanheng, the meaning of that look couldn't be clearer.

It's not good for a woman to discuss matters.

Chu Yunxi's viewing of Sima Hong became more and more unfavorable. Her face turned cold, and she said in a deep voice, "City Master Sima speaks if he has something to say, and leaves if he has nothing to say."

As the lord of Tianxiang City, when was Sima Hong treated like this?His eyes flashed sullenly, but soon he thought of his purpose of coming, and held back again.

"My lord, I would like to rely on you and be your subordinate."

Yan Heng was surprised, but he didn't expect that Sima Hong came to join him.

Yan Heng didn't speak, but Chu Yunxi on the side spoke coldly: "May I ask why City Lord Sima wants to join us?"

Sima Hong looked up at Yan Heng, seeing what Chu Yunxi said, Yan Heng did not object.

So Sima Hong can see that this woman is different from ordinary women, she can talk as she likes around this master, it seems that this woman is really as powerful as the rumors say.

Sima Hong cupped his fists in thought and said, "The reason why I entered the Black Zee Wilderness was because I was sent in, so I wanted to go out with the prince to take revenge."

Yan Heng raised her eyebrows, she didn't expect the news about their Xianyu Peak to spread, what does this mean? It means that there is a traitor among them, this matter needs to be investigated clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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