Chapter 1474 You are a playboy
Chu Yunxi turned her head and found that it was Feng Yao who had bought a bottle of beauty lotion from her before the door came in.

The current Feng Yao is very beautiful, her small face is white and tender, her eyes are watery, she looks like a pitiful little girl.

It's just that her aura at this time was a bit fierce, as soon as she bumped in, she pointed at Xia Hou Jin angrily.

"Xia Houjin, do you think I can't find you if you hide from me?"

As soon as she finished speaking, she picked up the sword and stabbed at Xia Houjin, screaming as she stabbed: "Since you are irresponsible, then I will kill you, a heartless man."

After Feng Yao finished speaking, Xia Houjin's face changed, and he turned to look at Chu Yunxi quickly and said, "Yunxi, no, I drank wine that night, so I fell asleep with this woman in my arms, and she insisted on letting me sleep." Responsible, what is this?"

Xia Houjin's handsome face was full of misery. I knew I would stop drinking, but drinking was really a waste of time.

He had already talked to this woman, but he didn't expect that she would stalk him and insist on making him responsible, how could he be held accountable after being drunk and hugged.

After Xia Houjin's words fell, Feng Yao yelled unhappily: "What do you want if you hug me to sleep? You know, I haven't even touched a man's hand since I was a child, but you hugged me and slept for a while." All night, not being responsible afterwards, I really have never seen such a shameless playboy like you, now I will kill you."

After Feng Yao finished speaking, she was about to stab again, Xia Houjin's face became cold and cold: "Feng Yao, don't think I'm afraid of you, I let you, it's my fault, but you are so stubborn, don't blame me Flip."

Feng Yao became even angrier, and glared angrily: "You can show me one, and I want to see how shameless you can be."

Xia Houjin was so angry that his stomach hurt when he heard it, but he really couldn't fight Feng Yao, because he was indeed wronged.

Xia Houjin thought about it with a dark face, turned around and shot out of the courtyard gate, and said to Chu Yunxi who was behind him as he walked, "Yun Xi, I'll go first, we'll talk later when we have something to do."

Xia Houjin disappeared as soon as he finished speaking, and Feng Yao was about to chase him behind him, but a voice from behind stopped her.

"Feng Yao."

Feng Yao subconsciously turned her head and looked behind, and saw Chu Yunxi at this glance.

Feng Yao recalled that she had bought medicine from Chu Yunxi before, and it was because of buying her medicine that she became more beautiful, and now everyone praises her wherever she goes.

Thinking of this, Feng Yao immediately walked over with a smile.

"Are you that Chu Yunxi? You live here."

Chu Yunxi nodded, and Feng Yao recalled the incident of Xia Houjin appearing here earlier, she asked Chu Yunxi curiously: "Do you know Xia Houjin?"

Chu Yunxi nodded, and said, "He is my righteous brother. If he has done anything to offend you, I will apologize to you on his behalf."

Chu Yunxi thinks that Feng Yao is good, if she marries Xia Houjin, she will forget about it.

When Feng Yao heard that Chu Yunxi was Xia Houjin's righteous sister, she immediately wanted to find someone to sue.

"Yun Xi, right? Let me tell you, your foster brother is so worthless. He hugged me and slept all night. In the morning, he turned his face and refused to recognize anyone. He looked like a dog, but he was really upset. Yes, shouldn't you be responsible for this?"

Chu Yunxi took Feng Yao's hand and walked into the room. As she walked, she said to Ye Yuchen, Bai Zixuan and the others behind her, "You guys go do your work, I'll talk to Feng Yao."

(End of this chapter)

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