Chapter 1487 It's so pitiful
Yan Heng didn't want to pay attention to her at first, but when he thought of the identity he was carrying, it was not appropriate for him to reveal the flaws of his identity at this time, so he stopped and looked back.

Qi Hua hurriedly walked up to Yan Heng in a few steps, she raised her head, her beautiful big eyes unconsciously covered with a little moisture.

Such a pair of eyes with such a delicate face is really exciting.

It's a pity that Yan Heng saw through these women's tricks, and couldn't feel the slightest turmoil in his heart. He just looked at Qi Huadao coldly.

"what's up?"

Qi Hua saw that he was still ice-cold, with a heart-to-heart coldness.

She, Qi Hua, as the daughter of the Qi family, has been outstanding since she was a child. I don't know how many men in this capital admire her. Why can't my brother-in-law see her well?

While thinking about it, Qi Hua said aggrievedly: "Brother-in-law, can you listen to me."

Without waiting for Yan Heng to speak, she said impatiently: "Is brother-in-law really going to break with the Qi family? Brother-in-law is so determined, have you thought about the consequences?"

The corner of Yan Heng's mouth curled into a sarcasm, and the cold voice recalled mercilessly.

"Hehe, I am curious about what consequences this king will have. The consequences should belong to the Qi family, not this king. As the son of the royal family, I don't know what the consequences will be."

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned around and planned to leave.

"Okay, you don't have to stay in King Su's mansion anymore, go back."

Yan Heng left after speaking, and Qi Hua really cried later.

She doesn't want to marry Dijun. He is 50 years old. Although he doesn't look old, just thinking about how many women he has makes her feel sick.

As for her brother-in-law, he must be young, and she heard from her sister that her brother-in-law rarely set foot in the backyard, otherwise he wouldn't have such a small number of children.

Such a clean and self-sufficient brother-in-law is what she wants to marry.

Qi Hua thought about throwing herself to the ground and knelt down: "Brother-in-law, Hua'er, please save me. If brother-in-law really doesn't want to get involved with the Qi family and marry me as the main concubine, can brother-in-law marry me as the side concubine?" , I don’t ask my brother-in-law to favor me, I just ask for a place to settle down.”

"If my brother-in-law doesn't marry me, my grandfather will let me marry into the palace as a concubine, then I would rather die."

After Qi Hua finished speaking, he kowtowed and bled from his forehead after a few blows.

The blood dripped down his forehead, and the bright red blood stains made his face paler and weaker.

This kind of her made all the servants in Su Wang's mansion feel distressed.

It seems that this daughter of the Qi family really loves her prince so much that she wants to enter the palace as a side concubine.

It's really pitiful, my lord, you should agree soon.

It's a pity that Yan Heng couldn't hear the voices of everyone, he turned around and looked down at Qi Hua with dark and cold eyes.

Yan Heng was about to speak, but a small figure rushed out from the side path. As soon as the small figure rushed over, it hugged Qi Hua's body and shouted at Yan Heng.

"Father, don't bully my aunt, she is very good."

"I want to be with my aunt. You should marry my aunt."

Yan Heng looked at Qi Hua without a trace of warmth in his deep eyes, and slowly a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Come on."

With an order, the subordinates of King Su's Mansion stepped out.

Seeing Yan Heng's actions, Qi Hua's face turned even paler. She has already reached this point, why does her brother-in-law still agree to marry her?

She is willing to be a side concubine, isn't it okay?
Qi Hua's eyes dimmed suddenly, he looked up at Yan Heng and said, "Brother-in-law, I have something to tell you, please leave me alone."

(End of this chapter)

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