The divine doctor and the veterinary concubine are super fierce

Chapter 1490 What a failure to be a human being

Chapter 1490 What a failure to be a human being
What's so good about that bastard Xia Houming? He's cruel and ruthless. If she marries him, she will definitely not end well.

"That person is really bad. Not only is his temperament impermanent, but the most important thing is that he is ruthless to women. Do you know that Concubine Su just died? His woman just died, so he is thinking about you and wants to marry you. This man Is it still human?"

Seeing that he couldn't persuade Chu Yunxi, Xia Houjin suddenly said, "Didn't you say that you came to the Phoenix Empire to find Yanheng? Don't tell me you didn't look for him anymore. You used to have such a good relationship. If one day he Knowing that you married someone else, I don't know how sad it is."

After hearing Xia Houjin's words, Chu Yunxi couldn't help raising her eyebrows at Xia Houjin. She wondered whether she should tell Xia Houjin that Xia Houming was Yan Heng, so as to avoid his misunderstanding.

It's just that before Chu Yunxi had time to speak, he heard cold words from somewhere behind him.

"I'm curious, what's wrong with marrying me?"

Chu Yunxi and Xia Houjin quickly turned their heads and found a man in black brocade clothes leaning against a big tree. The man was wearing a silver mask, and his eyes were dark and cold, as if he had been living for thousands of years. The cold pool is average.

As soon as Chu Yunxi saw him, she smiled happily, and Yan Heng gave her a supercilious look, which made pregnant women feel relieved.

Chu Yunxi pouted aggrievedly, it's none of her business, okay?

Xia Houjin beside him looked at Chu Yunxi, and then at Yan Heng, always feeling that the two formed a world of their own, and no one else could get in.

Xia Houjin suddenly felt uncomfortable in his heart, even though he was uncomfortable, he still turned to look at Yan Heng and said, "King Su, Yun Xi will not marry you."

"Oh, when her affairs, others will be able to decide."

Xia Houjin became angry when he heard this: "What other people, I am her righteous brother, I have the right to make decisions for her, you are not her lover."

"I'm not her lover, are you?"

After Yan Heng finished speaking, Chu Yunxi immediately gave him a blank look, and Xia Houjin's face suddenly turned ugly, and he glared at Yan Heng angrily and said, "Anyway, I don't agree to let her marry you."

"It's a pity that this is a matter between her and me, and has nothing to do with you."

After he finished speaking, he moved, and quickly shot to Chu Yunxi's side, and raised his arms to gently put Chu Yunxi in his arms.

Yan Heng hugged Chu Yunxi domineeringly and leaned in her arms, raised her head and looked at Xia Houjin calmly and said, "My son Hui, you can see clearly that Xi'er married me voluntarily." .”

Seeing that Chu Yunxi did not reject Yan Heng, Xia Houjin felt pain in his heart. He looked up at Chu Yunxi with indescribable disappointment in his heart.

Yun Xi, has she changed?Why do you want to marry a scum like Xia Houming?

Xia Houjin thought about raising his head and staring fiercely at Yan Heng, he suddenly found Yan Heng's eyes a little familiar, slowly he opened them wide, pointed at Yan Heng and said: "So you are, are you? "

It turned out that he was Yan Heng, that's why Chu Yunxi married him.

How did Yan Heng become the emperor's son Su Wang?

Yan Heng saw Xia Houjin's movements and knew that he recognized him.

Yan Heng was not surprised, nor did he make things difficult for Xia Houjin, he just said lazily: "I hope your mouth is tight enough, otherwise no one will be able to save you, nor the people in Prince Hui's residence."

After Yan Heng finished speaking, she took Chu Yunxi's body and walked away.

After that, Xia Houjin's whole body turned into petrification, and for a while, he was heartbroken.

He actually lost to Yan Heng twice in a row, hahaha.

And what made him sad the most was Yun Xi's concealment from him. She was trying to protect Yan Heng, which he understood.

But on the other hand, it just means that she doesn't believe him.

Yun Xi, I didn't expect you to still not believe me after I've done so much.

I've been such a failure as a human being.

 Xia Houjin: I really failed as a human being, I really want to die. . .

(End of this chapter)

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