Chapter 1493

Concubine Qi was talking, tears streaming down her face.

"You don't know, before that woman enters the mansion, Ming'er doesn't care about Jin'er. Before Jin'er wanted her aunt to stay in the palace, Ming'er actually sent Jin'er to Qi's house."

"Cousin, Jin'er is too pitiful."

Concubine Qi is used to pretending to be weak in front of Xia Houxuan, she is obviously the mother of a child, she still sheds tears at every turn.

But Xia Houxuan also accepts her tricks.

He looked at Concubine Qi and said: "You know Ming'er's temperament, if I don't agree with him marrying his savior, he will definitely quarrel with me regardless."

Concubine Qi bit her lips, and said slowly with red eyes: "If he really wants to repay that woman, then let Hua'er be the main concubine, and that woman be the side concubine. It's a great face."

Xia Houxuan stared at Concubine Qi with concentrating eyebrows, his eyes were unfathomable, Concubine Qi felt very guilty when he looked at her.

"Cousin, she really did it for Jin'er, she lost her mother at a young age."

Xia Houxuan raised his eyebrows and said coldly: "It's just a girl, if you feel sorry for her, you can take her into the palace and raise her well."

The granddaughter is not worth much in Xia Houxuan's heart, if it is a grandson, he can think about it a little more.

Concubine Qi was tongue-tied and couldn't speak for a long time, when someone outside the hall came in to report: "Emperor, King Su has entered the palace."

"Show him in."

Yan Heng walked in from outside the hall, and as soon as he came in, he saw Concubine Qi with red eyes, his face immediately became gloomy, and he looked at Concubine Qi with extremely sinister eyes.

Concubine Qi felt scared when she saw his eyes like this, her son was not so indifferent to her before, but since his face was destroyed, he seems to be a lot colder to her, what is going on?

Concubine Qi couldn't figure it out, the next Yan Heng saluted the emperor: "I have seen the emperor."

Xia Houxuan nodded, pointed to Concubine Qi beside her and said, "Your mother came to me and said that she wanted you to marry a daughter from the Qi family as a concubine, and let your savior be your side concubine."

Yan Heng's face instantly turned gloomy and cold, and he said in a deep voice: "Father has already promised his son, as an emperor, he should keep his word."

Xia Houxuan stopped talking and turned to look at Concubine Qi.

Concubine Qi gritted her teeth and said, "Ming'er, why don't you marry Hua'er as the main concubine and that woman as the side concubine. She is a commoner, so she can enter the palace?"

Concubine Qi didn't finish her sentence, Yan Heng yelled loudly: "Shut up."

After finishing speaking, he stared fiercely at Concubine Qi and said sarcastically: "Concubine Mother has a good plan, what purpose do you have to let me set up the daughter of the Qi family as concubine? Not satisfied? Want to go further?"

With Yan Heng's words, Concubine Qi's face paled instantly, she felt the chill from the man beside her, his eyes looking at her were like the eyes of an eagle, extremely fierce.

Concubine Qi hurriedly got up and knelt down with a plop.

At this time, I didn't bother to pay attention to Yan Heng, and only begged Xia Houxuan: "Emperor, the Qi family doesn't have such thoughts."

Xia Houxuan stretched out his hand and lifted Concubine Qi's chin. His hand was strong and his eyes were extremely sinister.

"Then tell me why the Qi family insists on letting the daughter of the Qi family be Su Wang's official concubine. This is a matter for the royal family. Since I have agreed to Ming'er, I will not change it, and you are begging me so desperately." What means?"

"Do you want the Qi family to replace me?"

As soon as these words came out, Concubine Qi was in cold sweat, she knew how Xia Houxuan got the title of emperor.

What he valued most was his throne, if someone moved his mind about his throne, he would definitely take revenge.

(End of this chapter)

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